Chart air quality data
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Particles TSP at Cannon Hill, Thursday 13 June 2024 about Particles TSP
None of the data is validated (0% validated, 0/24 records)
Legend to air quality category colours about category values
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
- Very poor
- Extremely poor
None of the data is validated (0% validated, 0/48 records)
About air quality categories
Air quality categories are used to make it easier to interpret air quality data by reducing the complexity associated with different pollutant concentration units and air quality guideline values.
Each air quality measurement from a monitoring station is assigned an air quality category rating based on comparison of the measurement value against the relevant air quality guideline. Five colour-coded air quality categories are used, being ‘Good’ (green), ‘Fair’ (yellow), ‘Poor’ (orange), ‘Very poor’ (red) or ‘Extremely poor’ (dark red). Values greater than the air quality guideline will be appear as ‘Poor’, ‘Very poor’ or ‘Extremely poor’.
About Particles TSP
Airborne particles up to about 100 micrometres in diameter are referred to as TSP (total suspended particles). These particles are generated by combustion and non-combustion processes, including windblown dust, sea salt, earthworks, mining activities, industrial processes, motor vehicle engines and fires.
The guideline for Particles TSP is 250µg/m³ (1hr avg) and 80µg/m³ (24hr avg).
Particles TSP is measured in micrograms per cubic metre.