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Grandview Hotel

49 North Street, Cleveland

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Grandview Hotel (2014); Heritage Branch Staff

Grandview Hotel (2014)

Grandview Hotel (1871); William Boag

Grandview Hotel (1871)

Grandview Hotel (1930); SLQ

Grandview Hotel (1930)

The Grandview Hotel is on the highest point of land in Cleveland, originally known as Cleveland House. It was built as a single storey building around 1852 by the Hon Frances Bigge, MLA, a grazier and advocate for Cleveland as the port for Moreton Bay. Bigge invested in industry and housing in Cleveland, building a bond store, wool store and offices on the point in anticipation of the port declaration. This did not occur and Cleveland House quickly became known as Bigge's Folly. From 1855 to 1860, John Cassim operated it as a boarding establishment. Cassim then built his own hotel nearby. From 1862 it was leased by publican William Rae as the Brighton Hotel, with a bathing-house and jetty, and a pleasure cutter moored offshore. Around 1878, new owners Andrew and Mary Goodall extended the building to the southeast. Further additions and alterations were made around 1880 - 1890 after the Cleveland railway opened. It became known as the Grand View Hotel c.1910, and was later managed by the Goodall's daughter, Elizabeth Dahbe Sing, until 1936. The Grand View continues to operate as a hotel, and is one of the oldest hotels in Queensland in continuous use.

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Coordinates: -27.52302624, 153.28571039

Full details of this heritage-registered place are in the Heritage register.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Last reviewed
1 July 2022
Last updated
28 February 2023