Request a coastal hazard area map

Queensland Coastal Hazard Area maps show areas vulnerable to coastal erosion or storm tide inundation. These maps can be obtained free of charge by choosing one of the three options below.

Coastal Hazard Area maps display the following:

  • areas considered vulnerable to coastal erosion or permanent tidal inundation due to climate change sea level rise
  • areas that have a 1% or greater risk of storm tide inundation in any one year including projected climate change impact to 2100 (a 0.8m increase in sea level) – it shows two risk areas: high risk areas where inundation would be greater than 1m in depth, and a medium risk area where inundation will be less than 1m.

Both maps also include the Coastal Management District and Coastal Building Lines (where applicable). See Coastal hazards and mapping ( ) for further details.

Download a Coastal Hazard Area map

A Coastal Hazard Area map can be downloaded by choosing a map from the map sheet index ( ). These maps open as PDF documents and can be saved and/or printed. Map sheets are at a scale of 1:40,000 for urban areas and 1:70,000 for rural areas.

NEW – Download a Coastal Hazard Area map using the Coastal Hazards Mapping Webmap

A Coastal Hazard Area map can be downloaded from the Coastal Hazards Mapping application ( ). The map can be used to view coastal hazards over any Queensland location. It allows for searching of places or lot on plans and provides the ability to print the map to a PDF for either erosion prone areas or storm tide inundation areas.

(This webmap is in beta testing phase – please send any feedback to ( )).

Request a Coastal Hazard Area map

A Coastal Hazard Area map can be requested by completing the form below. An A4-sized PDF map showing the selected property along with others in the vicinity and other relevant information will be emailed to the address provided. The scale of these maps will vary according to the size of the property. The maximum scale possible is 1:10,000. To request a map at a different scale, please email ( ).

Property search request form

  1. Find location by *