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Regional ecosystem details for 2.5.14

Regional ecosystem 2.5.14
Vegetation Management Act class Least concern
Wetlands Not a Wetland
Biodiversity status No concern at present
Subregion 5, 4, 6, (3), (9), (9.1)
Estimated extent1 Pre-clearing 1369000 ha; Remnant 2021 1368000 ha
Short description Melaleuca spp. low woodland on plains on earths and podsolics (south)
Structure code Low Woodland
Description Melaleuca viridiflora, M. citrolens and Asteromyrtus symphyocarpa low woodland. Other occasional trees include Terminalia platyptera, Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, Grevillea parallela, Eucalyptus microneura, Dolichandrone heterophylla, Denhamia cunninghamii and Petalostigma banksii. Corymbia polycarpa may occur as an emergent. The grass layer is usually dominated by Aristida spp. Occurs on gently undulating Tertiary sandplain; sands, yellow podzolics and yellow earths. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 21a).

Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include:
2.5.14a: Melaleuca viridiflora low open woodland to low woodland, commonly with Melaleuca citrolens, Melaleuca stenostachya, Acacia leptostachya, Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Terminalia platyptera and Eucalyptus microneura. Emergent Corymbia polycarpa may occur. A shrub layer commonly occurs, including Melaleuca spp., Acacia spp. and Petalostigma banksii. The ground layer is tussock grasses, including Aristida spp., Schizachyrium fragile and Eriachne spp. Occurs on broad, gently undulating Tertiary sand sheets in the south-east of the bioregion. Sands, yellow podzolics and yellow earths. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 21a).
2.5.14b: [RE not in use]²: This vegetation community is now mapped as 2.5.17b. Melaleuca citrolens low open woodland to low woodland, commonly with M. viridiflora, Eucalyptus microneura and Terminalia platyptera. Emergent Corymbia polycarpa may occur. A shrub layer may occur, including Acacia torulosa, A. hammondii, A. tropica, A. julifera subsp. gilbertensis. The ground layer is commonly, Aristida spp., Sarga plumosum and Triodia spp. Occurs on broad, gently undulating Tertiary sand sheets. Sands, yellow podzolics and yellow earths. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 21b).
2.5.14c: Melaleuca viridiflora low open woodland to low woodland, commonly with M. citrolens and Asteromyrtus symphyocarpa. Emergent Corymbia polycarpa and Cochlospermum gregorii may occur. A shrub layer commonly occurs, including Petalostigma banksii, Acacia spp. and Gardenia vilhelmii. The ground layer is tussock grasses, including Schizachyrium fragile, Thaumastochloa spp. and Aristida spp. Occurs on level to gently undulating Tertiary sand sheets in the north-east of the bioregion. Yellow to brown sandy loams and texture contrast soils. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 21a).
2.5.14x1a: [RE not in use]²: This vegetation community has been amalgamated into 2.5.27. Mixed tall shrubland to low open woodland (dependent on fire frequency) including combinations of the species Acacia torulosa, Acacia platycarpa and Corymbia setosa. Emergent Corymbia grandifolia subsp. grandifolia may occur. A narrow fringe of Melaleuca viridiflora and M. nervosa low woodland commonly occurs around the margins. The ground layer is sparse tussock grasses including Aristida holathera var. holathera and Eriachne obtusa with areas of bare soil. Occurs on elongated sand ridges of unknown origin (possibly degraded residuals of inland sand dunes). Deep red-brown sand. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 27c).
2.5.14x1b: [RE not in use]²: This vegetation community has been amalgamated into 2.5.27. Acacia torulosa tall shrubland with emergent Corymbia setosa and A. platycarpa. Small areas of Melaleuca spp. low open woodland with emergent C. polycarpa. Little to no understorey. Occurs on sandy plains with elongated striations (degraded residuals of inland sand dunes). Deep red sand. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 27c).
2.5.14x3: [RE not in use]²: This regional ecosystem is now mapped as 2.5.28a. Corymbia polycarpa open woodland to woodland, commonly with Corymbia grandifolia subsp. grandifolia, C. confertiflora, Erythrophleum chlorostachys and Eucalyptus leptophleba. A lower tree layer may occur, including Terminalia oblongata subsp. volucris and Brachychiton paradoxus. A shrub layer commonly occurs, including Melaleuca spp., Acacia spp. and Petalostigma spp. The ground layer is commonly Aristida spp. Occurs on abandoned levees on broad, Tertiary sand sheets. Sands and earths. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 16b).
2.5.14x50: [RE not in use]²: This regional ecosystem has been amalgamated into 2.5.28a. Corymbia polycarpa +/- Corymbia grandifolia subsp. Grandifolia +/- Corymbia confertiflora +/- Erythrophleum chlorostachys +/-- Eucalyptus leptophleba +/-- (rarely) Brachychiton paradoxus woodland with a sub-canopy tree layer of Terminalia oblongata subsp. Volucris. The patchy shrub layer includes mixed Melaleuca spp. (M. citrolens, M. viridiflora, M. nervosa) and/or Acacia spp. (A. julifera subsp. Gilbertensis, A. leptostachya, A. platycarpa) +/- Petalostigma spp. Sometimes a Melaleuca spp. Woodland with emergent trees. Occurs on abandoned levees on sandplain. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 16b).
2.5.14x51: [RE not in use]²: This regional ecosystem is now mapped as 2.5.26. Mixed low woodland to woodland, including combinations of the species Eucalyptus melanophloia, Acacia julifera subsp. gilbertensis, A. leptostachya, Corymbia setosa, Melaleuca stenostachya, M. viridiflora, C. pocillum, M. citrolens, E. microneura and Erythrophleum chlorostachys. A variable shrub layer commonly occurs, including canopy species, A. torulosa, A. rothii, Petalostigma banksii and Grevillea pteridifolia. The ground layer is tussock grasses, including Thaumastochloa spp., Schizachyrium fragile and Chrysopogon sp. Occurs on undulating, erosional, Tertiary sand sheets. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 17b).
Supplementary description Perry et al. (1964), Claraville, Mayvale, Strathmore
Protected areas Staaten River NP
Special values 2.5.14: Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Solanum carduiforme. 2.5.14c: Potential habitat for the golden-shouldered parrot (Psephotus chrysopterygius).
Fire management guidelines SEASON: Commence soon after wet season when just dry enough to carry fire. Occasional storm burns; high intensity fires caused by lightning are a feature of this system. INTENSITY: Low to moderate. INTERVAL: 1-3 years or longer, 3-5 years in the south (i.e., latitudes below Karumba) and in riparian areas. INTERVAL_MIN: 1. INTERVAL_MAX: 5. STRATEGY: Maintain a landscape mosaic of time since fire to break up fuel continuity through the landscape and to avoid impact of late season wildfire. Ensure good soil moisture. ISSUES: Repeat early season burns where there are overabundant seedlings and saplings is not recommended.
Comments 2.5.14c: Was previously mapped as 2.5.15a. 2.5.14x1a: A rare vegetation community with very limited extent. 2.5.14x1b: A rare vegetation community with limited extent.

1 Estimated extent is from version 13.1 pre-clearing and 2021 remnant regional ecosystem mapping. Figures are rounded for simplicity. For more precise estimates, including breakdowns by tenure and other themes see remnant vegetation in Queensland.

2 Superseded: Revision of the regional ecosystem classification removed this regional ecosystem code from use. It is included in the regional ecosystem description database because the RE code may appear in older versions of RE mapping and the Vegetation Management regulation.

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Last updated
14 May 2024