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Regional ecosystem details for 5.3.7

Regional ecosystem 5.3.7
Vegetation Management Act class Least concern
Wetlands Riverine
Biodiversity status No concern at present
Subregion 5, 2, 3, 4, (9), (6), (13), (4.2), (7), (1), (4.3), (6.9), (12), (8)
Estimated extent1 Pre-clearing 92000 ha; Remnant 2021 92000 ha
Short description Eucalyptus coolabah +/- Lysiphyllum gilvum +/- Acacia stenophylla +/- Acacia cambagei low open woodland on major channels
Structure code Low Open Woodland
Description Eucalyptus coolabah low open woodland, common canopy species include Lysiphyllum gilvum, Acacia stenophylla and Acacia cambagei. Usually with a prominent low shrub stratum dominated by Duma florulenta and sometimes Chenopodium auricomum. The channel beds and lower slopes of the banks are usually bare although the ephemeral sedge Cyperus pygmaeus and Isolepis australiensis and forbs such as Glinus lotoides, Mimulus gracilis, Stemodia glabella, Polygonum plebeium, Rorippa eustylis and Rumex crystallinus colonise the moist mud as floodwaters recede. The upper slopes and flats are dominated by the perennial graminoids Cyperus victoriensis and Sporobolus mitchellii, with Eragrostis setifolia common in some areas. Scattered tussocks of Paspalidium jubiflorum are frequently present. The ephemeral forb Cullen cinereum may be seasonally co-dominant while Persicaria lapathifolia and Polymeria longifolia are locally prominent in some areas. Calotis hispidula, Euphorbia drummondii and Wahlenbergia gracilis occur frequently, while a variety of other forbs are present infrequently. Occurs along major channels on alluvial plains with braided channel systems. Associated soils are often very deep, alkaline, grey, red or brown cracking clays with some alluvial texture contrast soils. Surface silt and sand often form a surface crust. Riverine. (BVG1M: 16c).
Supplementary description Neldner (1991), 17a; Boyland (1984), 8; Dawson (1974), W4, W5 (26)
Protected areas Diamantina NP, Welford NP
Special values 5.3.7: Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Acacia peuce.
Fire management guidelines SEASON: Various (wet season or winter). INTENSITY: Low. INTERVAL: Fire return interval not relevant. INTERVAL_MIN: 100. INTERVAL_MAX: 100. STRATEGY: Aim to exclude fire by fuel reduction in adjacent vegetation communities where possible. Undertake partial burns when necessary to reduce fuel loads and protect against severe wildfire. Burn with high soil moisture (i.e., after rain/storms) or in winter when fire is more easily controlled. ISSUES: Rarely burns due to low fuel loads.
Comments 5.3.7: Tree height decreases in less frequently flooded areas. Low woodland may develop along larger channels. Merges into E. coolabah low open woodland (5.3.8a) on smaller channels. Highly modified floristic composition of ground layer. Feral pig habitat. Naturalised species associated with this regional ecosystem include *Portulaca oleracea.

1 Estimated extent is from version 13.1 pre-clearing and 2021 remnant regional ecosystem mapping. Figures are rounded for simplicity. For more precise estimates, including breakdowns by tenure and other themes see remnant vegetation in Queensland.

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Last updated
14 May 2024