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Regional ecosystem details for 7.3.14

Regional ecosystem 7.3.14
Vegetation Management Act class Of concern
Wetlands Not a Wetland
Biodiversity status Of concern
Subregion 8, 3.2, 9, 3.5, (9.3)
Estimated extent1 Pre-clearing 3000 ha; Remnant 2021 2000 ha
Short description Eucalyptus leptophleba +/- Corymbia clarksoniana +/- Melaleuca dealbata woodland to open forest on alluvium in low rainfall areas of the west and north
Structure code Woodland
Description Eucalyptus leptophleba (Molloy red box) +/- Corymbia clarksoniana (Clarkson's bloodwood) +/- Melaleuca dealbata (cloudy tea tree) woodland to open forest. Alluvium, in low rainfall areas of the west and north. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9b).

Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include:
7.3.14a: Eucalyptus leptophleba, Corymbia clarksoniana, +/- C. tessellaris, +/- C. dallachiana, +/- E. platyphylla, +/- E. tereticornis, +/- Erythrophleum chlorostachys, +/- Lophostemon grandiflorus woodland, with a secondary tree layer including Melaleuca viridiflora, M. monantha, Allocasuarina littoralis, A. luehmannii and Livistona muelleri. Includes small areas of Eucalyptus cullenii, Corymbia nesophila, Eucalyptus crebra, Eucalyptus platyphylla and Melaleuca nervosa woodland. Alluvium, in low rainfall areas of the west and north. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9b).
7.3.14b: Melaleuca dealbata, Corymbia tessellaris, C. intermedia, C. clarksoniana, Eucalyptus platyphylla, E. leptophleba woodland. Alluvial plains. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9e).
7.3.14c: [RE not in use]²: This vegetation community was never mapped. Eucalyptus sp. (ironbark), Corymbia hylandii, C. dallachiana grassy woodland and open woodland, or C. hylandii, C. dallachiana, C. abergiana, Petalostigma pubescens, Melaleuca stenostachya, Callitris intratropica, Melaleuca viridiflora low shrubland and woodland complex. Alluvium, in the dry rainfall zone. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 13c).
Supplementary description Stanton and Stanton (2005), A16h, A16j, A128, A271, A273, A108; Tracey and Webb (1975), 16h, 16j
Protected areas Ngalba-bulal NP (CYPAL), Kuranda NP, Dinden NP, Dinden West FR, Kuranda West FR, Mount Lewis NP, Daintree NP (CYPAL)
Fire management guidelines SEASON: Cool, dry season (Apr-Sep). INTENSITY: Low to moderate. INTERVAL: 2-5 years. INTERVAL_MIN: 2. INTERVAL_MAX: 5. STRATEGY: Mosaic burn < 30%. Begin burning early in the fire season, with progressive patch fires burnt through the year. Stop burning when the network of fires and other breaks is sufficient to impede fire spread later in the year. Storm-burning may be used to add further diversity to the fire mosaic. ISSUES: Ignition is most likely during hot, dry season (Oct - Jan). These fires are typically high intensity fires that can be difficult to control. Maintaining a fire mosaic will ensure protection of animal habitats and mitigate against wildfires. Fire management approach may be slightly different west of Kuranda to Mt Molloy.
Comments 7.3.14: Northern and western parts of the bioregion north of Cairns.

1 Estimated extent is from version 13.1 pre-clearing and 2021 remnant regional ecosystem mapping. Figures are rounded for simplicity. For more precise estimates, including breakdowns by tenure and other themes see remnant vegetation in Queensland.

2 Superseded: Revision of the regional ecosystem classification removed this regional ecosystem code from use. It is included in the regional ecosystem description database because the RE code may appear in older versions of RE mapping and the Vegetation Management regulation.

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Last updated
14 May 2024