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Regional ecosystem details for 8.12.20

Regional ecosystem 8.12.20
Vegetation Management Act class Least concern
Wetlands Not a Wetland
Biodiversity status No concern at present
Subregion 6, 2, (4), (3), (11.14), (11.2)
Estimated extent1 Pre-clearing 43000 ha; Remnant 2021 17000 ha
Short description Eucalyptus drepanophylla and/or E. platyphylla +/- Corymbia spp. +/- E. crebra woodland on low gently undulating landscapes on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks
Structure code Woodland
Description Eucalyptus platyphylla and/or E. drepanophylla woodland to open forest (10-25m tall). Associated species in the canopy may include E. crebra, Corymbia clarksoniana, C. intermedia, E. tereticornis and C. dallachiana. A sparse to mid-dense secondary tree layer may include Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora, Allocasuarina torulosa, Acacia spp., Planchonia careya, and juvenile Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp. There is occasionally a very sparse shrub layer of species such as Glochidion lobocarpum. The ground layer is commonly dominated by Themeda triandra, Xanthorrhoea spp., Imperata cylindrica, Heteropogon spp., Sorghum nitidum forma aristatum and Mnesithea rottboellioides. Occurs on low gently undulating landscapes (grading into land zone 3 or land zone 5) on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks. Geology is mapped as Pla (Carmila Beds), DCc (Campwyn Beds), Kh (Hecate Granite), Ple (Calen Coal Measures) and PKgb (Bayfield Granite). Early Cretaceous - Late Devonian acid to intermediate flows and pyroclastics. Includes massive dacite and andesite pyroclastics. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9b).

Vegetation communities in this regional ecosystem include:
8.12.20a: Eucalyptus drepanophylla and/or E. platyphylla woodland to open forest (10-25m tall). Corymbia clarksoniana and E. tereticornis are common associated species in the canopy, and E. tereticornis may occasionally be dominant. Other less frequent canopy species may include C. tessellaris and C. dallachiana. Occasional emergents are present, typically E. drepanophylla or E. tereticornis. The sparse secondary tree layer ranges from isolated plants often including Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora, Acacia leptocarpa, Planchonia careya (and juvenile Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp.), to a mid-dense layer dominated by Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora. There is occasionally a shrub layer consisting of isolated plants (or a very sparse layer), typically dominated by Glochidion lobocarpum. The ground layer is grassy, with dominants including Mnesithea rottboellioides, Themeda triandra, Sorghum nitidum forma aristatum, Chrysopogon fallax, Heteropogon triticeus, Imperata cylindrica, H. contortus and Eremochloa bimaculata. Xanthorrhoea johnsonii may occasionally be present. Occurs on low gently undulating landscapes (grading into land zone 3 or land zone 5) on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks (subregions 2 and 6). Geology types mapped include Pla (Carmila Beds), DCc (Campwyn Beds), Kh (Hecate Granite) and Ple (Calen Coal Measures). Early Cretaceous - Late Devonian acid to intermediate flows and pyroclastics. Includes massive dacite and andesite pyroclastics and subordinate lavas. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9b).
8.12.20c: Eucalyptus platyphylla woodland to open forest (10-25m tall). Associated canopy species may include Corymbia intermedia and E. crebra, and less frequently C. trachyphloia, Lophostemon suaveolens, C. clarksoniana, C. tessellaris and E. tereticornis. There is often sparse lower tree layer with species such as Allocasuarina torulosa, Acacia disparrima subsp. disparrima and Lophostemon suaveolens. There is sometimes a sparse shrub layer, with species such as Allocasuarina torulosa, Planchonia careya and Alphitonia excelsa. The ground layer may be dominated by Themeda triandra, Xanthorrhoea latifolia subsp. latifolia, Imperata cylindrica and Heteropogon contortus. Occurs on colluvial slopes of undulating rises to rolling low hills of lowlands and foothills, on Mesozoic to Proterozoic igneous rocks (subregion 4). Geology is mapped as PKgb (Bayfield Granite), PKdm (Double Mountain Volcanics), Ccs (Shoalwater Formation) and RKvp (Peninsula Range Volcanics). Early Cretaceous - Late Carboniferous leucocratic biotite granite, biotite-hornblende adamellite and dacitic crystal tuff. Not a Wetland. (BVG1M: 9b).
Supplementary description Bailey et al. (2003), EP-12; Brushe et al. (in prep), Map units c34-12
Protected areas Newry Islands NP, Skull Knob CP, Eungella NP, Cape Hillsborough NP, Andromache CP
Special values 8.12.20: Potential habitat for NCA listed species: Callicarpa thozetii. 8.12.20a: Habitat for endangered plant species Callicarpa thozetii. 8.12.20c: Habitat for endangered plant species Callicarpa thozetii. Habitat for species poorly known from within the Central Queensland Coast bioregion such as Grewia latifolia, and species at the northern limit of their range including Jacksonia scoparia.
Fire management guidelines SEASON: 8.12.20a: Winter through to storm burning. 8.12.20c: Any time providing sufficient soil moisture is present (active growing season). INTENSITY: Low to moderate. INTERVAL: 8.12.20a: 3 - 6 years. 8.12.20c: 4 - 8 years. INTERVAL_MIN: 3. INTERVAL_MAX: 8. STRATEGY: 8.12.20a: Ensure at least 30% remains unburnt in any given area. 8.12.20c: Aim to retain about 25% unburnt. ISSUES: Emphasis should be placed on the general principles of mosaic burning, and diversity of fire types.
Comments 8.12.20: Extensively cleared for agriculture and pastoral lands. 8.12.20a: Very similar to 8.12.20c which occurs only in subregion 4, whilst 8.12.20a occurs in the northern subregions (1-3). Similar to vegetation communities 8.12.6a and 8.12.6b (and sometimes 8.12.12d and 8.12.22) from which it can be distinguished by occurring or low, gently undulating landscapes as opposed to hills. In the past it occurred from Yeates Ck (20km south-east of Bowen) to near Bucasia in North Mackay and also near Mt Christian (25km south of Sarina). In 2006 it is found in much smaller scattered areas from Yeates Ck to Bucasia. Poor to moderate condition overall, being highly fragmented, and many sites being heavily invaded by weeds such as *Lantana camara, *Mimosa pudica, *Sporobolus jacquemontii (and other introduced Sporobolus spp.), *Triumfetta rhomboidea, *Stylosanthes spp., *Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, *Passiflora suberosa, *P. pallida, *Themeda quadrivalvis and many others. Threatened by weed invasion, grazing by horses and cattle, further fragmentation, and recreational use. 8.12.20c: Very similar to 8.12.20a which occurs only in northern subregions (1-3) whilst 8.12.20c occurs only in subregion 4. Also similar to the 8.12.12 series (especially 8.12.12b) from which it can be distinguished by occurring on gently undulating footslopes as opposed to steeper hills, and by E. platyphylla always being present. Also similar to vegetation communities 8.12.6a and 8.12.6b (and sometimes 8.12.22) from which it can be distinguished by occurring or low, gently undulating landscapes as opposed to hills (and also these regional ecosystems only occur in northern subregions (1-3), whilst 8.12.20c only occurs in subregion 4). Occurs in subregion 4. There are 2 small patches in the Polygon Range area, within the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area and another at the base of the hills to the west of Corio Bay. Very susceptible to weed invasion, with common problem species including *Passiflora suberosa, *P. pallida, *Melinis minutiflora, *Megathyrsus maximus, *Passiflora foetida.

1 Estimated extent is from version 13.1 pre-clearing and 2021 remnant regional ecosystem mapping. Figures are rounded for simplicity. For more precise estimates, including breakdowns by tenure and other themes see remnant vegetation in Queensland.

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Last updated
14 May 2024