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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
11.4.12Eucalyptus populnea woodland on Cainozoic clay plainsEndangeredEndangered
11.4.13Eucalyptus orgadophila open woodland on Cainozoic clay plainsLeast concernOf concern
11.5.1Eucalyptus crebra and/or E. populnea, Callitris glaucophylla, Angophora leiocarpa, Allocasuarina luehmannii woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.2Eucalyptus crebra, Corymbia spp., with E. moluccana woodland on lower slopes of Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.3Eucalyptus populnea +/- E. melanophloia +/- Corymbia clarksoniana woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.4Eucalyptus chloroclada, Callitris glaucophylla, C. endlicheri, Angophora leiocarpa woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.5Eucalyptus melanophloia, Callitris glaucophylla woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfaces. Deep red sandsLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.6Triodia spp. hummock grassland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesOf concernOf concern
11.5.7Eucalyptus acmenoides, Angophora leiocarpa open forest on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnantsLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.8Melaleuca spp., Eucalyptus crebra, Corymbia intermedia woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.9Eucalyptus crebra and other Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp. woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.10Melaleuca tamariscina tall open shrubland to low woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesOf concernOf concern
11.5.11Acacia leptostachya shrubland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesOf concernOf concern
11.5.12Corymbia clarksoniana woodland and other Corymbia spp. and Eucalyptus spp. on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
11.5.13Eucalyptus populnea +/- Acacia aneura +/- E. melanophloia woodland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesOf concernOf concern
11.5.14Triodia sp. open hummock grassland with emergent trees on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfaces. Highly alkaline soilsOf concernOf concern
11.5.15Semi-evergreen vine thicket on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesLeast concernEndangered
11.5.16Acacia harpophylla and/or Casuarina cristata open forest in depressions on Cainozoic sand plains and remnant surfacesEndangeredEndangered
11.5.17Eucalyptus tereticornis woodland in depressions on Cainozoic sand plains and remnant surfacesEndangeredEndangered
11.5.18Micromyrtus capricornia open shrubland on Cainozoic sand plains and/or remnant surfacesOf concernOf concern

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Last updated
18 May 2023