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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
3.3.61Mixed tussock grassland and sedgeland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.3.62Ischaemum australe grassland with Pandanus spp. confined to Torres Strait IslandsOf concernOf concern
3.3.63Eleocharis spp. open sedgeland swampsLeast concernOf concern
3.3.64Baloskion tetraphyllum subsp. meiostachyum and/or Leptocarpus spp. and/or Dapsilanthus spathaceus open sedgeland in drainage swampsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.3.65Tussock grasslands in ephemeral lakes and lagoonsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.3.66Lakes and lagoons dominated by a variety of aquatic plants, frequently with fringing woodlands or sedgelandsLeast concernOf concern
3.3.67Melaleuca arcana open heath to dwarf shrubland in swampsOf concernOf concern
3.3.68Semi-deciduous notophyll vine forest and thicket on alluvial plainsOf concernEndangered
3.3.69Melaleuca dealbata +/- Corymbia clarksoniana tall open forest on alluvial plainsOf concernEndangered
3.3.70Lophostemon suaveolens +/- Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. platyphylla +/- Pandanus sp. +/- Livistona muelleri woodland and open forest on alluvial plains of northern Torres Strait IslandsOf concernOf concern
3.5.1Eucalyptus tetrodonta +/- Corymbia stockeri subsp. peninsularis tall woodland on deeply weathered plateausLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.2Eucalyptus tetrodonta and Corymbia nesophila tall woodland on deeply weathered plateaus and remnantsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.3Semi-deciduous notophyll vine forest restricted to Carnegie TablelandOf concernOf concern
3.5.4Semi-deciduous notophyll vine forest in small patches on northern plateausLeast concernOf concern
3.5.5Corymbia novoguinensis +/- C. tessellaris woodland on sand plains on northern Cape York PeninsulaLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.6Eucalyptus phoenicea woodland on sandy outwash plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.7Eucalyptus tetrodonta +/- Corymbia clarksoniana woodland on sand plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.8Eucalyptus tetrodonta +/- Corymbia stockeri subsp. peninsularis +/- C. stockeri woodland on erosional plains and sandstone plateausLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.9Eucalyptus tetrodonta, Corymbia stockeri +/- C. setosa woodland on sand plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.5.10Eucalyptus tetrodonta and Corymbia nesophila woodland on sandy gently undulating rises and low hillsLeast concernNo concern at present

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Last updated
18 May 2023