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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
11.3.33Eremophila mitchellii open woodland on alluvial plainsOf concernEndangered
11.3.34Acacia tephrina woodland on alluvial plainsOf concernOf concern
11.3.35Eucalyptus platyphylla, Corymbia clarksoniana woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
11.3.36Eucalyptus crebra and/or E. populnea and/or E. melanophloia on alluvial plains. Higher terracesOf concernOf concern
11.3.37Eucalyptus coolabah fringing woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
11.3.38Eucalyptus tereticornis, Melaleuca viridiflora, Corymbia tessellaris and Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa woodland with a grassy ground layer on alluvial plains and broad drainage lines derived from serpentiniteEndangeredEndangered
11.3.39Eucalyptus melanophloia +/- E. chloroclada open woodland on undulating plains and valleys with sandy soilsLeast concernNo concern at present
11.3.40Semi-deciduous notophyll to mesophyll vine forest, fringing or in the vicinity of watercourses, on lowlands (subregion 1).Of concernEndangered
12.3.1Gallery rainforest (notophyll vine forest) on alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
12.3.2Eucalyptus grandis tall open forest on alluvial plainsOf concernOf concern
12.3.3Eucalyptus tereticornis woodland on Quaternary alluviumEndangeredEndangered
12.3.4Melaleuca quinquenervia, Eucalyptus robusta woodland on coastal alluviumOf concernOf concern
12.3.5Melaleuca quinquenervia open forest on coastal alluviumLeast concernNo concern at present
12.3.6Melaleuca quinquenervia +/- Eucalyptus tereticornis, Lophostemon suaveolens, Corymbia intermedia open forest on coastal alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
12.3.7Eucalyptus tereticornis, Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana +/- Melaleuca spp. fringing woodlandLeast concernOf concern
12.3.8Swamps with Cyperus spp., Schoenoplectus spp. and Eleocharis spp.Of concernOf concern
12.3.9Eucalyptus nobilis open forest on alluvial plainsOf concernOf concern
12.3.10Eucalyptus populnea woodland on alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
12.3.11Eucalyptus tereticornis +/- Eucalyptus siderophloia, Corymbia intermedia open forest on alluvial plains usually near coastOf concernOf concern
12.3.12Eucalyptus latisinensis or E. exserta, Melaleuca viridiflora var. viridiflora woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present

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Last updated
18 May 2023