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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
6.5.1Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea, E. melanophloia open forest on undulating plains in the eastLeast concernOf concern
6.5.2Eucalyptus populnea, Acacia aneura and/or E. melanophloia woodland on Quaternary sedimentsOf concernOf concern
6.5.3Eucalyptus populnea +/- Acacia spp. woodland on sandy plains in the eastOf concernOf concern
6.5.5Eucalyptus intertexta +/- E. populnea, Acacia aneura woodland on sand sheets in the eastOf concernEndangered
6.5.6Acacia aneura, Eucalyptus populnea low woodland on run-on plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.7Eucalyptus populnea +/- Acacia aneura, E. melanophloia, E. intertexta woodland on sand sheetsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.8Acacia aneura, Eucalyptus populnea +/- Eremophila gilesii subsp. gilesii low woodland on undulating plains in the westLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.9Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea, E. melanophloia low woodland on sand sheets in the northLeast concernOf concern
6.5.10Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea, Grevillea striata, A. excelsa low woodland on sand plains in the eastLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.11Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea low woodland on sand plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.13Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea, E. melanophloia, Brachychiton populneus low woodland on undulating gravelly sandy depositsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.14Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea +/- Eremophila gilesii subsp. gilesii tall open shrubland on Quaternary sedimentsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.15Acacia aneura, Eucalyptus populnea +/- Eremophila spp. low woodland on sand sheets in the westLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.16Acacia aneura groved with Corymbia terminalis or C. blakei tall open shrubland on Quaternary sedimentsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.17Eucalyptus populnea, E. melanophloia, Callitris glaucophylla, Corymbia tessellaris in mixed woodlands on sandy plains derived from old levee deposits in the West Balonne Plains subregionOf concernOf concern
6.5.18Acacia aneura +/- Eucalyptus populnea low woodland on sandy deposits over old lake bedsLeast concernNo concern at present
6.5.19Eucalyptus melanophloia, Acacia aneura, Angophora melanoxylon and E. chloroclada in mixed low woodlands on degraded deposits of aeolian sands east of the Warrego RiverLeast concernNo concern at present
7.5.1Eucalyptus tereticornis, Corymbia intermedia and E. reducta woodland to open forest of uplands on weathered soils of a remnant surfaceOf concernEndangered
7.5.2Eucalyptus portuensis +/- Corymbia intermedia open forest to woodland of uplands on weathered soils of a remnant surfaceOf concernOf concern
7.5.3Eucalyptus portuensis, Corymbia citriodora and E. drepanophylla woodland to open forest of uplands on weathered soils of a remnant surfaceOf concernEndangered

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Last updated
18 May 2023