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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
12.9-10.21Eucalyptus acmenoides or E. portuensis woodland usually with Corymbia trachyphloia subsp. trachyphloia on Cainozoic to Proterozoic sedimentsLeast concernNo concern at present
12.9-10.22Closed sedgeland and/or shrubland on sedimentary rocks. Generally coastalOf concernOf concern
12.9-10.23Eucalyptus melanoleuca open forest on sedimentary rocksOf concernOf concern
12.9-10.24Eucalyptus suffulgens open forest on sedimentary rocksOf concernOf concern
12.9-10.25Eucalyptus decorticans +/- Corymbia trachyphloia subsp. trachyphloia woodland on quartzose sandstoneOf concernEndangered
12.9-10.26Eucalyptus baileyana and/or E. planchoniana and/or E. psammitica woodland to open forest on quartzose sandstoneOf concernOf concern
12.9-10.27Corymbia and/or Eucalyptus dominated open forest with a very sparse to mid-dense understorey of Melaleuca irbyana on sedimentary rocksEndangeredEndangered
12.9-10.28Angophora leiocarpa, Eucalyptus interstans +/- Corymbia intermedia, E. tereticornis woodland on sedimentary rocksEndangeredEndangered
12.9-10.29Eucalyptus cloeziana +/- E. propinqua, E. acmenoides, E. microcorys and E. grandis tall open forest on sedimentary rocksOf concernOf concern

Access vegetation management regional ecosystem descriptions

The Queensland Herbarium REDD lookup tool searches for information on regional ecosystems for a range of planning and management applications. If you're looking for vegetation management information you can use the vegetation management regional ecosystems description database (VM REDD)

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Last updated
18 May 2023