Species profile search
This site allows you to find species information such as species names, notes and images for Queensland’s native and naturalised plants and animals from the WildNet database.
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19 species found belonging to the Characidae family
- Aphyocharax anisitsi (argentine bloodfin (tetra))
- Astyanax mexicanus (blind cave tetra)
- Boehlkea fredcochui (Cochu's blue tetra)
- Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (black tetra)
- Hemigrammus spp.
- Hyphessobrycon spp.
- Megalamphodus megalopterus (black phantom tetra)
- Megalamphodus sp.
- Megalamphodus sweglesi (Swegle's tetra)
- Microbrycon fredcochui (microbrycon)
- Moenkhausia spp.
- Nematobrycon palmeri (emperor tetra)
- Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra)
- Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra)
- Paracheirodon sp.
- Petitella georgiae (black-finned rummy-nose)
- Prionobrama filigera (glass bloodfin)
- Pristella maxillaris (pristella)
- Thayeria spp. (penguin fish)