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This site allows you to find species information such as species names, notes and images for Queensland’s native and naturalised plants and animals from the WildNet database.
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22 species found belonging to the Dasyatidae family
- Bathytoshia brevicaudata (smooth stingray)
- Bathytoshia lata (black stingray)
- Hemitrygon fluviorum (estuary stingray)
- Himantura australis (reticulate whipray)
- Himantura leoparda (leopard whipray)
- Himantura sp. (whiprays)
- * Himantura sp. A
- Maculabatis astra (blackspotted whipray)
- Maculabatis toshi
- Neotrygon annotata (plain maskray)
- Neotrygon australiae (bluespotted maskray)
- Neotrygon picta (painted maskray)
- Neotrygon trigonoides (New Caledonian maskray)
- Pastinachus ater (cowtail stingray)
- Pateobatis fai (pink whipray)
- Pateobatis jenkinsii (Jenkins' whipray)
- Taeniura lymma (bluespotted fantail ray)
- Taeniurops meyeni (blotched fantail ray)
- Urogymnus acanthobothrium (mumburarr whipray)
- Urogymnus asperrimus (porcupine ray)
- Urogymnus dalyensis (freshwater whipray)
- Urogymnus granulatus (mangrove whipray)