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199 species found belonging to the Amaranthaceae family. Displaying 1-100
- Achyranthes
- Achyranthes aspera
- * Achyranthes aspera var. canescens
- Achyranthes bidentata
- Aerva
- Aerva javanica
- Aerva lanata
- Alternanthera
- Alternanthera angustifolia
- * Alternanthera angustifolia var. angustifolia
- * Alternanthera angustifolia var. lanata
- Alternanthera bettzickiana
- Alternanthera brasiliana
- Alternanthera brasiliana 'Rubiginosa'
- * Alternanthera dentata
- * Alternanthera dentata 'Rubiginosa'
- Alternanthera denticulata (lesser joyweed)
- Alternanthera denticulata var. denticulata
- Alternanthera denticulata var. micrantha
- Alternanthera ficoidea
- * Alternanthera micrantha
- Alternanthera nana (hairy joyweed)
- Alternanthera nodiflora (joyweed)
- Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed)
- Alternanthera pungens (khaki weed)
- Alternanthera sessilis
- Alternanthera sp. (Mt Isa R.L.Specht+ 49)
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaranthus
- Amaranthus albus
- * Amaranthus ascendens
- Amaranthus blitum
- Amaranthus caudatus
- Amaranthus centralis
- Amaranthus cochleitepalus
- Amaranthus cuspidifolius
- Amaranthus dubius
- Amaranthus gangeticus
- * Amaranthus gracilis
- Amaranthus graecizans
- Amaranthus graecizans subsp. silvestris
- Amaranthus grandiflorus
- Amaranthus hybridus (redshank)
- Amaranthus interruptus
- * Amaranthus leptostachyus
- * Amaranthus lividus
- * Amaranthus lividus subsp. lividus
- Amaranthus macrocarpus (dwarf amaranth)
- * Amaranthus macrocarpus var. macrocarpus
- * Amaranthus macrocarpus var. pallidus
- Amaranthus mitchellii (Boggabri weed)
- * Amaranthus pallidiflorus
- Amaranthus powellii (Powell's amaranth)
- Amaranthus retroflexus
- Amaranthus rhombeus
- * Amaranthus sp. (Cloncurry S.T.Blake 8896)
- Amaranthus spinosus (needle burr)
- Amaranthus tricolor
- Amaranthus undulatus
- Amaranthus viridis (green amaranth)
- Celosia
- Celosia argentea
- Celosia argentea var. cristata
- * Celosia cristata
- Celosia elegantissima
- Celosia spicata
- Cyathula
- Cyathula prostrata
- Deeringia
- Deeringia amaranthoides (redberry)
- Deeringia arborescens (climbing deeringia)
- Froelichia
- Froelichia floridana (cottontails)
- Froelichia gracilis
- * Gen.(AQ476466) sp. (Lakefield J.R.Clarkson+ 6971)
- Gomphrena
- Gomphrena arida
- Gomphrena axillaris
- Gomphrena brachystylis
- Gomphrena breviflora
- Gomphrena canescens
- Gomphrena canescens subsp. canescens
- Gomphrena celosioides (gomphrena weed)
- Gomphrena conferta
- Gomphrena conica
- Gomphrena cunninghamii
- Gomphrena diffusa subsp. diffusa
- Gomphrena flaccida
- Gomphrena globosa
- Gomphrena globosa var. alba
- Gomphrena humilis
- Gomphrena lanata
- Gomphrena leontopodioides
- Gomphrena leptophylla
- * Gomphrena sp. (Doongmabulla E.J.Thompson+ GAL137)
- Guilleminea
- Guilleminea densa (small matweed)
- Hemichroa
- Hemichroa diandra
- Hemichroa mesembryanthema