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58 species found belonging to the Libellulidae family
- Aethriamanta circumsignata (square-spot basker)
- Aethriamanta nymphaeae (l-spot basker)
- Agrionoptera insignis allogenes (red swampdragon)
- Agrionoptera longitudinalis biserialis (striped swampdragon)
- Austrothemis nigrescens (swamp flat-tail)
- Brachydiplax denticauda (palemouth)
- Brachydiplax duivenbodei (darkmouth)
- Camacinia gigantea (sultan)
- Camacinia othello (black knight)
- Crocothemis nigrifrons (black-headed skimmer)
- Diplacodes bipunctata (wandering percher)
- Diplacodes haematodes (scarlet percher)
- Diplacodes melanopsis (black-faced percher)
- Diplacodes nebulosa (charcoal-winged percher)
- Diplacodes trivialis (chalky percher)
- Hydrobasileus brevistylus (water prince)
- Lathrecista asiatica festa (Australasian slimwing)
- Macrodiplax cora (wandering pennant)
- Nannodiplax rubra (pygmy percher)
- Nannophlebia eludens (elusive archtail)
- Nannophlebia risi (common archtail)
- Nannophya australis (Australian pygmyfly)
- Nannophya dalei (eastern pygmyfly)
- Nannophya fenshami
- Nannophya paulsoni (scarlet pygmyfly)
- Neurothemis decora
- Neurothemis oligoneura (spotted grasshawk)
- Neurothemis stigmatizans bramina (painted grasshawk)
- Neurothemis stigmatizans stigmatizans (painted grasshawk)
- Notolibellula bicolor (bicoloured skimmer)
- Orthetrum balteatum (speckled skimmer)
- Orthetrum boumiera (brownwater skimmer)
- Orthetrum caledonicum (blue skimmer)
- Orthetrum migratum (rosy skimmer)
- Orthetrum sabina (slender skimmer)
- Orthetrum serapia (green skimmer)
- Orthetrum villosovittatum (fiery skimmer)
- Pantala flavescens (wandering glider)
- Potamarcha congener (swampwatcher)
- Raphismia bispina (spiny-chested percher)
- Rhodothemis lieftincki (red arrow)
- Rhyothemis braganza (iridescent flutterer)
- Rhyothemis graphiptera (graphic flutterer)
- Rhyothemis phyllis (yellow-striped flutterer)
- Rhyothemis phyllis beatricis (yellow-striped flutterer)
- Rhyothemis phyllis chloe (yellow-striped flutterer)
- Rhyothemis princeps (sapphire flutterer)
- Rhyothemis resplendens (jewel flutterer)
- Tetrathemis irregularis cladophila (rainforest elf)
- Tholymis tillarga (twister)
- Tramea eurybia (dune glider)
- Tramea loewii (common glider)
- Tramea propinqua (northern glider)
- Tramea stenoloba (narrow-lobed glider)
- Urothemis aliena (red baron)
- Zyxomma elgneri (short-tailed duskdarter)
- Zyxomma multinervorum (large duskdarter)
- Zyxomma petiolatum (long-tailed duskdarter)