Species profile search
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Browse by family name
40 families found belonging to the Insecta class
- Aeshnidae (hawker dragonflies)
- Apidae (bees)
- Austrocorduliidae (hawk, mosquitohawk & swiftwing dragonflies)
- Blaberidae (giant cockroaches)
- Brachytronidae (darner dragonflies)
- Carabidae (ground beetles)
- Chorismagrionidae (relict damselflies)
- Coenagrionidae (narrow-winged damselflies)
- Cooloolidae (Cooloola monsters)
- Cordulephyidae (shutwing dragonflies)
- Corduliidae (emerald dragonflies)
- Diphlebiidae (rockmaster damselflies)
- Formicidae (ants)
- Gomphidae (clubtail dragonflies)
- Gomphomacromiidae (urfly dragonflies)
- Hesperiidae (skippers)
- Isostictidae (wiretail damselflies)
- Lestidae (spreadwing damselflies)
- Lestoideidae (bluestreak damselflies)
- Libellulidae (skimmer or percher dragonflies)
- Lindeniidae (tiger dragonflies)
- Lucanidae (stag beetles)
- Lycaenidae (blues and coppers)
- Macromiidae (cruiser dragonflies)
- Megapodagrionidae (flatwing damselflies)
- Noctuidae (Noctuid moths)
- Nymphalidae (danaids, browns and nymphs)
- Oecophoridae (concealer moths)
- Papilionidae (swallowtails)
- Petaluridae (petaltail dragonflies)
- Pieridae (whites and yellows)
- Platycnemididae (white-legged damselflies)
- Pseudocorduliidae (mistfly dragonflies)
- Rhinorhipidae (Rhinorhipid beetles)
- Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles)
- Synlestidae (sylph or malachite damselflies)
- Synthemistidae (tigertail dragonflies)
- Telephlebiidae (darner dragonflies)
- Tenebrionidae (darkling beetles)
- Tessaratomidae (stink bugs)