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This site allows you to find species information such as species names, notes and images for Queensland’s native and naturalised plants and animals from the WildNet platform.
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18 species found belonging to the Thelenellaceae family
- Aspidothelium
- Aspidothelium fugiens
- Aspidothelium scutellicarpum
- Aspidothelium verruculosum
- Julella avicenniae
- Julella exiguella
- Julella geminella
- Julella lactea
- Polyblastiopsis
- Polyblastiopsis coarctata
- Polyblastiopsis gregantula
- Polyblastiopsis nudata
- Polyblastiopsis pertusarioidea
- Polyblastiopsis tichospora
- Polyblastiopsis velata
- Thelenella brasiliensis
- Thelenella luridella
- Thelenella modesta