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36 species found belonging to the Macropodidae family
- Dendrolagus bennettianus (Bennett's tree-kangaroo)
- Dendrolagus lumholtzi (Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo)
- Dendrolagus sp.
- Lagorchestes conspicillatus (spectacled hare-wallaby)
- Macropus fuliginosus (western grey kangaroo)
- Macropus giganteus (eastern grey kangaroo)
- Macropus sp.
- Notamacropus agilis (agile wallaby)
- Notamacropus dorsalis (black-striped wallaby)
- Notamacropus parryi (whiptail wallaby)
- Notamacropus rufogriseus (red-necked wallaby)
- Notamacropus sp.
- Onychogalea frenata (bridled nailtail wallaby)
- Onychogalea sp.
- Onychogalea unguifera (northern nailtail wallaby)
- Osphranter antilopinus (antilopine wallaroo)
- Osphranter robustus (common wallaroo)
- Osphranter rufus (red kangaroo)
- Osphranter sp.
- Petrogale assimilis (allied rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale coenensis (Cape York rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale godmani (Godman's rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale herberti (Herbert's rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale inornata (unadorned rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale mareeba (Mareeba rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale penicillata (brush-tailed rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale persephone (Proserpine rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale purpureicollis (purple-necked rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale sharmani (Sharman's rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale sp.
- Petrogale wilkinsi (eastern short-eared rock-wallaby)
- Petrogale xanthopus celeris (yellow-footed rock-wallaby)
- Thylogale sp.
- Thylogale stigmatica (red-legged pademelon)
- Thylogale thetis (red-necked pademelon)
- Wallabia bicolor (swamp wallaby)