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58 species found belonging to the Diplodactylidae family
- Amalosia capensis (Cape York zigzag gecko)
- Amalosia hinesi (Nandewar zigzag gecko)
- Amalosia jacovae (clouded gecko)
- Amalosia lesueurii (Lesueur's velvet gecko)
- Amalosia nebula (upland zigzag gecko)
- Amalosia queenslandia (Queensland zigzag gecko)
- Amalosia rhombifer (zigzag velvet gecko)
- * Amalosia rhombifer sensu lato (zigzag velvet gecko)
- Amalosia robusta (robust velvet gecko)
- Amalosia saxicola (rock zigzag gecko)
- Amalosia sp.
- Crenadactylus naso (northern clawless geckos)
- Diplodactylus ameyi (eastern deserts fat-tailed gecko)
- Diplodactylus barraganae (Gulf fat-tailed gecko)
- Diplodactylus conspicillatus (variable fat-tailed gecko)
- * Diplodactylus conspicillatus sensu lato (fat-tailed diplodactylus)
- Diplodactylus laevis (desert fat-tailed gecko)
- Diplodactylus platyurus (eastern fat-tailed gecko)
- Diplodactylus sp.
- Diplodactylus tessellatus (tessellated gecko)
- Diplodactylus vittatus (wood gecko)
- Lucasium byrnei (Byrne's gecko)
- Lucasium damaeum (beaded gecko)
- Lucasium immaculatum (pale-striped ground gecko)
- Lucasium iris (Gilbert ground gecko)
- Lucasium microplax (southern sandplain gecko)
- Lucasium sp.
- Lucasium steindachneri (Steindachner's gecko)
- Oedura argentea (silver-eyed velvet gecko)
- Oedura bella (Gulf marbled velvet gecko)
- Oedura castelnaui (northern velvet gecko)
- Oedura cincta (inland marbled velvet gecko)
- Oedura coggeri (northern spotted velvet gecko)
- Oedura elegans (elegant velvet gecko)
- Oedura jowalbinna (Quinkan velvet gecko)
- Oedura lineata (Arcadia velvet gecko)
- * Oedura marmorata sensu lato (marbled velvet gecko)
- Oedura monilis (ocellated velvet gecko)
- * Oedura monilis sensu lato (ocellated velvet gecko)
- * Oedura ocellata
- Oedura picta (ornate velvet gecko)
- Oedura sp.
- Oedura tryoni (southern spotted velvet gecko)
- Pseudothecadactylus australis (giant tree gecko)
- * Rhacodactylus australis
- Rhynchoedura angusta (border beaked gecko)
- Rhynchoedura eyrensis (Eyre Basin beaked gecko)
- Rhynchoedura mentalis (brigalow beaked gecko)
- Rhynchoedura ormsbyi (eastern beaked gecko)
- * Rhynchoedura ornata sensu lato (beaked gecko)
- Strophurus ciliaris (spiny-tailed gecko)
- Strophurus congoo
- Strophurus elderi (jewelled gecko)
- Strophurus krisalys (Kristin's spiny-tailed gecko)
- Strophurus taeniatus (white-striped gecko)
- Strophurus taenicauda (golden-tailed gecko)
- Strophurus trux (golden-eyed gecko)
- Strophurus williamsi (soft-spined gecko)