Species profile search
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104 families found belonging to the Aves class. Displaying 1-100
- Acanthizidae (thornbills and gerygones)
- Accipitridae (eagles, kites, goshawks)
- Acrocephalidae (reed-warblers)
- Aegothelidae (owlet-nightjars)
- Alaudidae (larks)
- Alcedinidae (kingfishers)
- Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans)
- Anhingidae (darter)
- Anseranatidae (magpie goose)
- Apodidae (swifts and swiftlets)
- Ardeidae (herons, egrets and bitterns)
- Artamidae (woodswallows, currawongs, butcherbirds and magpie)
- Atrichornithidae (scrub-birds)
- Burhinidae (stone-curlews)
- Cacatuidae (cockatoos and corellas)
- Campephagidae (cuckoo-shrikes and trillers)
- Caprimulgidae (nightjars)
- Casuariidae (emus and cassowaries)
- Charadriidae (plovers, dotterel and lapwings)
- Ciconiidae (storks)
- Cinclosomatidae (quail-thrushes)
- Cisticolidae (cisticolas)
- Climacteridae (treecreepers)
- Columbidae (pigeons and doves)
- Coraciidae (rollers)
- Corcoracidae (chough and apostlebird)
- Corvidae (crows and ravens)
- Cuculidae (cuckoos)
- Dasyornithidae (bristlebirds)
- Dicaeidae (flowerpeckers)
- Dicruridae (drongos)
- Diomedeidae (albatrosses)
- Emberizidae (buntings)
- Estrildidae (weaver finches)
- Eurostopodidae (eared nightjars)
- Falconidae (falcons)
- Falcunculidae (shriketits)
- Fregatidae (frigatebirds)
- Fringillidae (old world finches)
- Glareolidae (pratincoles)
- Gruidae (cranes)
- Haematopodidae (oystercatchers)
- Halcyonidae (kookaburras and kingfishers)
- Hirundinidae (swallows and martins)
- Hydrobatidae (northern storm-petrels)
- Jacanidae (jacanas)
- Laridae (gulls, terns and noddies)
- Locustellidae (grassbirds)
- Machaerirhynchidae (boatbills)
- Maluridae (fairy-wrens, emu-wrens and grasswrens)
- Megaluridae (Megaluridae)
- Megapodiidae (megapodes)
- Meliphagidae (honeyeaters and chats)
- Menuridae (lyrebirds)
- Meropidae (bee-eaters)
- Monarchidae (monarch and flycatchers)
- Motacillidae (pipits and wagtails)
- Muscicapidae (old world flycatchers)
- Nectariniidae (sunbirds)
- Neosittidae (sittellas)
- Numididae (guineafowl)
- Oceanitidae (southern storm-petrels)
- Oreoicidae (australo-papuan bellbirds)
- Oriolidae (orioles and figbirds)
- Orthonychidae (logrunners)
- Otididae (bustards)
- Pachycephalidae (whistlers, shrike-thrushes and allies)
- Pandionidae (osprey)
- Paradisaeidae (Birds of Paradise)
- Pardalotidae (pardalotes)
- Passeridae (weaver finches)
- Pedionomidae (Plains-wanderer)
- Pelecanidae (pelican)
- Petroicidae (australian robins)
- Phaethontidae (Tropicbirds)
- Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants and shags)
- Phasianidae (pheasants and quail)
- Pittidae (Pittas)
- Podargidae (Frogmouths)
- Podicipedidae (Grebes)
- Pomatostomidae (australian babblers)
- Procellariidae (Petrels and Shearwaters)
- Psittacidae (Parrots)
- Psittaculidae (parrots, lorikeets and rosellas)
- Psophodidae (whipbirds and wedgebills)
- Ptilonorhynchidae (bowerbirds and catbirds)
- Pycnonotidae (Bulbuls)
- Rallidae (crakes, rails and swamphens)
- Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets)
- Rhipiduridae (fantails)
- Rostratulidae (painted snipe)
- Scolopacidae (sandpipers, snipes and allies)
- Spheniscidae (Penguins)
- Stercorariidae (skuas and jaegers)
- Strigidae (hawk-owls)
- Struthionidae (Ostriches)
- Sturnidae (starlings)
- Sulidae (Gannets and Boobies)
- Threskiornithidae (ibis and spoonbills)
- Timaliidae (Timaliidae)