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66 species found belonging to the Thelypteridaceae family
- Abacopteris aspera
- Amblovenatum immersum
- Amblovenatum opulentum
- * Amblovenatum queenslandicum
- Amblovenatum terminans
- Amblovenatum tildeniae
- Ampelopteris
- Ampelopteris prolifera
- Amphineuron
- * Amphineuron immersum
- * Amphineuron opulentum
- * Amphineuron queenslandicum
- * Amphineuron terminans
- * Amphineuron tildeniae
- Chingia
- Chingia australis
- Christella
- Christella arida
- Christella dentata (creek fern)
- Christella dentata 'Corymbifera'
- Christella dentata x Christella parasitica
- Christella harveyi 'Multifida'
- Christella hispidula
- Christella parasitica
- Christella parasitica x Christella subpubescens
- Christella queenslandica
- Christella subpubescens
- Christella subpubescens 'Keffordii'
- Cyclosorus
- * Cyclosorus aridus
- Cyclosorus interruptus
- * Cyclosorus sumatranus
- Grypothrix triphylla
- Macrothelypteris
- Macrothelypteris polypodioides
- Macrothelypteris torresiana (pale wood fern)
- Pakau pennigera
- Plesioneuron
- Plesioneuron tuberculatum
- Pneumatopteris
- * Pneumatopteris costata
- Pneumatopteris pennigera (lime fern)
- Pneumatopteris sogerensis
- Pronephrium
- * Pronephrium asperum
- Pronephrium triphyllum
- Reholttumia costata
- Reholttumia sogerensis
- Sphaerostephanos
- Sphaerostephanos heterocarpos
- Sphaerostephanos invisus
- * Sphaerostephanos unitus
- * Sphaerostephanos unitus var. unitus
- Strophocaulon unitum
- Thelypteridaceae
- Thelypteris
- Thelypteris confluens
- * Thelypteris dentata
- * Thelypteris interrupta
- * Thelypteris parasitica
- Thelypteris patens
- Thelypteris patens 'Cristata'
- Thelypteris patens 'Lepida'
- * Thelypteris subpubescens
- * Thelypteris uliginosa
- x Abacopterella altifrons