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Species profile—Lepidosperma quadrangulatum


Plantae (plants) → Equisetopsida (land plants) → CyperaceaeLepidosperma quadrangulatum

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Species details

Plantae (plants)
Equisetopsida (land plants)
Scientific name
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum A.A.Ham.
WildNet taxon ID
Alternate name(s)
Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status
Least concern
Conservation significant
Pest status
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum is a tufted grass-like plant with a long creeping root and grows to 1.5m high. The stems are rigid, erect, strongly 4-angled (but may be more rounded near the base or tip), with the faces often concave, usually striate on the angles, hairless, smooth and 45-150cm long by 1.5-2.5mm in diameter. The leaves are similar in form to the stems, but shorter, broader and flatter. Leaves are 50-75cm long, 1.3-3mm wide, with a yellow-brown to dark brown sheath at the base, dull and not sticky. The rounded edges of the angles on the leaves are more prominent and form a shallow channel that is more conspicuous on the broadside of the leaf.
The flower heads are ovate or oblong in shape, erect, dense, 2-8cm long and 1-2cm in diameter. The few spikelets are densely clustered and 5-7mm long. The flower heads consist of a few densely clustered spikelets 5-7mm long. Each spikelet ahs 5-7 glumes. These have a long mucro (narrowed point) at the tip. The lowest 2-3 are empty and somewhat shorter than the upper, fertile glumes, which are 5-6mm long. There are 5-6 scales at the base of the nut, a quarter to a third the length of the nut, and whitish to yellow in colour. The nuts are obovoid (wider at the top), 2-2.8mm long by 1-1.6mm wide, 3-angled, with prominent ribs. The nuts are white to yellow-brown coloured, shiny and smooth.
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum is distinguished from other Lepidosperma species in the area by the 4-angled stems. (Hamilton 1920; Stanley & Ross 1989; Wilson 2008)
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum is found at Mt Coolum and Mt Emu in south-east Queensland. It is also found in coastal areas north from Jervis Bay in New South Wales. (Wilson 2008; Herbrecs 2008)
Distributional limits
-26.5067363, 153.0899311
-26.5941679, 153.0927238
Range derivation
Range derived from extent of the taxon's verified records
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum grows in coastal wet heath or swampy forest dominated by eucalypt or melaleuca species with a shrubby understorey. It occurs among sedges in the seepage area at the base of mountain slopes and in association with Allocasuarina emuina (Mt Emu she-oak). It grows on clay and loamy soils. (Wilson 2008; Herbrecs 2008)
Lepidosperma quadrangulatum flowers from spring to summer. (Wilson 2008)
Contributors: Ron Booth, Mellisa Mayhew 17/06/2009
Hamilton, A.A. (1920). Notes from the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales Series 2, 45(2): 261.
Herbrecs (2008). Lepidosperma quadrangulatum, in BriMapper version 2.12. Queensland Herbarium. Accessed 26/11/2008.
Wilson, K.L. (2008). Lepidosperma quadrangulatum, in PlantNet: New South Wales Flora Online. National Herbarium of New South Wales. Accessed 19/11/2008.
Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1989). Flora of south-eastern Queensland. Volume 3. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Profile author
Ronald Booth (17/06/2009)

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Data source

This profile data is sourced from the QLD Wildlife Data API using the Get species by ID function used under CC-By 4.0.

This information is sourced from the WildNet platform managed by the Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation.

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Last updated
9 December 2024