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Species profile—Pultenaea setulosa


Plantae (plants) → Equisetopsida (land plants) → LeguminosaePultenaea setulosa

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Species details

Plantae (plants)
Equisetopsida (land plants)
Scientific name
Pultenaea setulosa Benth.
WildNet taxon ID
Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) status
Conservation significant
Pest status
Short Notes
BRI 346667
Pultenaea setulosa is an erect shrub growing 0.2 to 1.2 m high. The branchlets are erect and silkly hairy. The leaves are alternate, linear, cylindrical, silky hairy or with no hairs, with a fine length-wise crease on the upper surface, 5 to 11 mm long by 0.5 to 1.2 mm wide. The leaf apex is strongly recurved, and with a 1 mm spine. The stipules are erect, persistent, linear, 2 to 3 mm long. The flowers are solitary in the leaf axils and clustered at the end of stem, on short stalks 1 mm long. The bracts on the flowers are linear, acute, 3.5 to 4 mm long, and with 2 stipules. The flowers are yellow in colour, 7 to 10 mm long and the pedicels are 1 to 2 mm long. The calyx is 5 to 9 mm long, moderately hairy; the lobes are acuminate. The ovary is hairy, and the style flattened at the base apex. The pod is up to 5 mm long and turgid, with a few erect hairs. The seeds are 1.5 to 2.6 mm long (Weston and Kok, 2002 in part).
In 2002 de Kok and West (2002) considered that this species included the previously recognised species P. campbellii, P. boormanii, and P. lapidosa. These species differ from P. setulosa by their concave leaves with involute margins.
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Pultenaea setulosa is known from a restricted area between Marlborough and The Caves in central eastern Queensland (Queensland Herbarium, 2012).
Distributional limits
-22.8567605, 149.8427531
-23.1698118, 150.460249
Range derivation
Range derived from extent of the taxon's verified records
Pultenaea setulosa grows on serpentine substrates in Eucalyptus fibrosa and/or Corymbia xanthope woodlands or open forests on ridges, hills and slopes. Associated shrub species include Acacia leptostachya, Dodonaea triquetra, Macrozamia serpentina, Hakea trineura and Xanthorrhoea johnsonii..
It has been noted Pultenaea setulosa plants were growing vigorously after fire. Some plants were found to be lightly grazed by marsupials (Batianoff, et al. 2000).
Flowering of Pultenaea setulosa occurs from July to September, rarely to December and fruits from August to December (Queensland Herbarium, 2012). The species reproduces by seed (Batianoff, et al. 2000).
Threatening processes
The main identified threat to Pultenaea setulosa is the destruction of individuals and disturbance of habitat through mining activities and associated infrastructure and development (Batianoff et al. 2000; DSEWPC, 2012).
Status notes
Pultenaea setulosa is listed as Vulnerable under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Management documents
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPC) (2012). Pultenaea setulosa in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. Available from: Accessed Fri, 17 Feb 2012 14:05:56 +1100.
Management recommendations
DSEWPC (2012) documents regional and local priority actions to support the recovery of Pultenaea setulosa. A summary of these include: avoid habitat loss, disturbance and modification (e.g. monitor known populations, monitor the progress of recovery, identify populations of high conservation priority, minimise land use impacts); enable recovery of additional sites and/or populations (e.g. undertake appropriate seed collection and storage (e.g. undertake appropriate seed collection and storage); and increase conservation awareness (e.g. raise awareness of P. setulosa within the local community).
Occurs in the following Queensland pastoral district: Port Curtis.
Contributors: Lynise Wearne 17/02/2012; Gordon Guymer 10/05/2013.
Batianoff, G.N., Neldner, V.J. and Singh, S. (2000). Vascular Plant Census and Floristic Analysis of Serpentine Landscapes in Central Queensland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 109: 1-30.
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPC) (2012). Pultenaea setulosa in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. Accessed 17/02/2012.
Kok, R.P.J. de and West, J.G. (2002). A revision of Pultenaea (Fabaceae) 1. Species with ovaries glabrous and/or with tufted hairs. Australian Systematic Botany 15 (1): 103.
Queensland Herbarium (2012). Specimen label information. Queensland Herbarium. Accessed 21/02/2012.
Weston, P.H. and de Kok, R.P.J. in Harden, G.J. (Ed) (2002). Flora of New South Wales Revised Edition 2: 563.
Profile author
Gordon Guymer (10/05/2013)

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This profile data is sourced from the QLD Wildlife Data API using the Get species by ID function used under CC-By 4.0.

This information is sourced from the WildNet platform managed by the Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation.

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Last updated
9 December 2024