Species profile—Eucalyptus beaniana
Plantae (plants) → Equisetopsida (land plants) → Myrtaceae → Eucalyptus beaniana
Sighting data
Species details
- Kingdom
- Plantae (plants)
- Class
- Equisetopsida (land plants)
- Family
- Myrtaceae
- Scientific name
- Eucalyptus beaniana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
- WildNet taxon ID
- 9238
- Alternate name(s)
- Bean's ironbark
- Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status
- Vulnerable
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC) status
- Vulnerable
- Conservation significant
- Yes
- Confidential
- No
- Endemicity
- Native
- Pest status
- Nil
- Description
- Eucalyptus beaniana is a tree to 22 m in height with a hard, black ironbark on the trunk and larger branches. The smaller branches are smooth and white. The juvenile leaves are linear, up to 9 cm long by 0.5 cm wide, and arranged alternately along the branch. The adult leaves are dull light green on both surfaces, lance shaped and up to 13 cm long by 2.5 cm wide. The white flowers are grouped into clusters of seven at the end of branchlets on stalks up to 1cm long. Mature buds are club to egg shaped measuring 6 to 7 mm long and 2 to 3 mm wide with a cone shaped cap. The fruits are obconical to cup shape, up to 0.6cm long and 0.5cm in diameter with 4 or 5 chambers (Brooker and Kleinig, 2004; Halford, 1998).
Eucalyptus beaniana is closely related to Eucalyptus taurina, but differs by the linear juvenile leaves, the fruits with the valves scarcely exerted, the narrower adult leaves and greater amount of smooth bark on the branches (DSEWPC, 2012). - Map
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- Distribution
- Eucalyptus beaniana is known three locations: at Isla Gorge, north-east of Baroondah station and about 50 km southwest of Mundubbera, Queensland. The total number of plants is unknown (Queensland Herbarium, 2012).
- Distributional limits
- -25.1900846, 149.3213913
-25.9222288, 150.9752536 - Range derivation
- Range derived from extent of the taxon's verified records
- Habitat
- Eucalyptus beaniana grows on skeletal sandy soils on sandstone cliff tops and stony ridges in open eucalypt forests. E. beaniana grows with Corymbia citriodora subsp. virgata (spotted gum) and E. cloeziana (Gympie messmate). In Isla Gorge National Park, E. beaniana is a co-dominant with E. suffulgens, C. watsoniana (large fruited yellow jacket), C. trachyphloia (brown bloodwood), E. tenuipes (narrow-leaved white mahogany) and E. cloeziana (Gympie messmate) (Halford, 1998; Queensland Herbarium, 2012)
- Reproduction
- Very little is known about the life history of Eucalyptus beaniana. The species flowers in September and fruits have been recorded in April, June, September to November (Hill and Johnson, 1991; Queensland Herbarium, 2012).
- Threatening processes
- A potential threat to Eucalyptus beaniana is the destruction of trees for timber, as the species forms a commercial sized log, and the Baroondah population lies within a State Forest. Road widening and maintenance activity may affect roadside populations (DSEWPC, 2012).
- Status notes
- Eucalyptus beaniana is listed as Vulnerable under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 and Vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- Management recommendations
- Regional and local priority actions to support the recovery of Eucalyptus beaniana are outlined by DSEWPC (2012). A summary of these include: avoid habitat loss, disturbance and modification (e.g. Identify populations of high conservation priority; ensure road widening and maintenance activities and forestry activities (or other infrastructure or development activities) involving substrate or vegetation disturbance in areas where E. beaniana occurs do not adversely impact on known populations); increase conservation information (raise awareness of E. beaniana in the local community); and enable recovery of additional sites and/or populations (e.g. undertake appropriate seed collection and storage; investigate options for lining, enhancing or establishing additional populations) (DSEWPC, 2012)
- References
- Brooker, M.I.H. and Kleinig, D.A. (1994). Field Guide to Eucalypts. Volume 3, Northern Australia.
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPC) (2012). Eucalyptus beaniana in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. Accessed 26/06/2012. http://www.environment.gov.au/sprat.
Halford, D. (1998). Eucalyptus beaniana Species Management Profile. Species Management Manual, Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Queensland Herbarium (2012). Specimen label information. Queensland Herbarium. Accessed 19/01/2012. - Profile author
- Ronald Booth (16/01/2012)
Other resources
- Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT)
- The Australasian Virtual Herbarium (AVH)
- Atlas of Living Australia
Data source
This profile data is sourced from the QLD Wildlife Data API using the Get species by ID function used under CC-By 4.0.
This information is sourced from the WildNet platform managed by the Queensland Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation.