Species profile—Callicarpa thozetii
Plantae (plants) → Equisetopsida (land plants) → Lamiaceae → Callicarpa thozetii
Sighting data
Species details
- Kingdom
- Plantae (plants)
- Class
- Equisetopsida (land plants)
- Family
- Lamiaceae
- Scientific name
- Callicarpa thozetii Munir
- WildNet taxon ID
- 9802
- Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status
- Endangered
- Conservation significant
- Yes
- Confidential
- No
- Endemicity
- Native
- Pest status
- Nil
- Description
- Callicarpa thozetii is a shrub with erect branches growing to 4 m tall. The stems and branches are covered with a ferruginous tomentum of dendriform hairs. The leaves are green and sparsely hairy on the upper surface, greyish-brown or pale and densely hairy on the lower surface. The leaves are elliptic in shape, 8 to 12 cm long by 3 to 5.8 cm wide, and arranged in opposite pairs along the branchlets. The leaf apex is acute and the leaf margin is dentate. The petioles are shorter than the primary peduncles, densely hairy, 5 to 8 mm long. The inflorescences are rather lax. The primary peduncle is 10 to 20 mm, rather thick and densely brown-tomentose. The flowers have a short pedicel, which is glandular, densely tomentose and is 0.5 to 1.5 mm long. The calyx is cup-shaped and minutely 4-toothed at the top, densely tomentose on the outside and glabrous on the inside. The corolla is blue or lilac, and hairy on the outside of each lobe. The succulent fruit are spherical, 2 to 2.5 mm in diameter and are deep purple when ripe, turning blackish when dry (Munir, 1982; Queensland Herbarium, 2012).
C. thozetii is closely related to C. pedunculata in some characteristics including the primary peduncles being longer than the petioles, the dense covering of woolly hairs on the stem and inflorescence, the blue or lilac colour of the flowers and the deep purple colour of the fruit when ripe. C. thozetii is distinguished by the wedge-shaped leaf base and the dense hairy covering on the outside of the corrolla (Munir, 1982).
C. thozetii is also allied to C. candicans in having a wedge-shaped base of the leaf blade, dense covering of woolly hairs on the branches and flower stems, violet-mauve coloured flowers and purple fruit when ripe. However, C. thozetii can be identified by the peduncles being longer than the petiole, the outside of the corrolla being hairy and the lower surface of the leaf blade having a hairy covering of wooly rust coloured hairs (Munir 1982). - Map
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- Distribution
- Callicarpa thozetii is restricted to three locations which include Conder Hills, Midge Point (north of Bloombury), Shoalwater Bay and Mt Archer area (Berserker Ranges near Rockhampton). The species is conserved within Mount Archer National Park (Queensland Herbarium, 2012).
- Distributional limits
- -20.6386111, 148.6655555
-23.3954306, 150.6034056 - Range derivation
- Range derived from extent of the taxon's verified records
- Habitat
- Callicarpa thozetii occurs within tall woodland and semi-evergreen vine forest. Associated species and vegetation include: tall woodland of Eucalyptus platyphylla, Lophostemon suaveolens and Corymbia intermedia on clayey sand; semi-evergreen vineforest and vine thicket in valley and steep slopes on alluvial-colluvial soils derived from a mixture of acid and basic rocks; open forest of Eucalyptus acmenoides, Corymbia citriodora and C. intermedia on shallow, stony, clay loam soil (Queensland Herbarium , 2012).
- Reproduction
- Callicarpa thozetii flowers from March, May to October. Fruits have been recorded in March and June (Queensland Herbarium, 2011).
- Threatening processes
- Possible threatening processes include; destruction of habitat by clearing, disturbance of habitat by timber harvesting and inappropriate fire regimes.
The impact of the present forestry management (e.g. harvesting, fire regime and grazing) on the ability of C. thozetii to maintain a sustainable population level is unknown (Halford, 1996). - Status notes
- Callicarpa thozetii is listed as Endangered under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992.
- Management documents
- Halford, D. (1996). Department of Environment and Resource Management. Species Management Profile: Callicarpa thozetii Species Management Profile
- Management recommendations
- Management objectives for the protection of Callicarpa thozetii and its habitat include: the establishment of a protective buffer (0.25 ha) that excludes clearing where C. thozetii occurs, and; until an appropriate fire regime is determined, maintain the current fire management practices (Halford, 1996).
- Notes
- Occurs in the following Queensland pastoral districts: Port Curtis; South Kennedy.
- References
- Halford, D. (1996). Callicarpa thozetii Species Management Profile. Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Munir, A.A. (1982). A taxonomic revision of the genus Callicarpa L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 6 (1): 9-11.
Queensland Herbarium (2012). Specimen label information. Queensland Herbarium. Accessed 06/03/2012. - Profile author
- Lynise Wearne (19/01/2012)
Other resources
Data source
This profile data is sourced from the QLD Wildlife Data API using the Get species by ID function used under CC-By 4.0.
This information is sourced from the WildNet database managed by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science.