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Chart air quality data

What’s new

From 19 July 2024 to 23 September 2024 the Hydrogen sulfide monitoring unit at the Redbank weather station will be temporarily relocated to Abrahams Rd within the Swanbank industrial area to support quality assurance evaluation. Data captured during this period is relevant to Abrahams Rd in Swanbank.

    Air quality data is available from 1 January 2016. Individual stations have been monitoring for different time periods so data may not be available for all possible times.
    South Gladstone station began monitoring air quality on 1 January 2000.

Nitrogen dioxide at South Gladstone, Thursday 12 September 2024 about Nitrogen dioxide

South Gladstone station overview

The guideline for Nitrogen dioxide is 0.08ppm (1hr avg).

None of the data is validated (0% validated, 0/19 records)

Legend to air quality category colours about category values

  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  • Very poor
  • Extremely poor

No wind direction data available to create wind rose charts.

About air quality categories

Air quality categories are used to make it easier to interpret air quality data by reducing the complexity associated with different pollutant concentration units and air quality guideline values.

Each air quality measurement from a monitoring station is assigned an air quality category rating based on comparison of the measurement value against the relevant air quality guideline. Five colour-coded air quality categories are used, being ‘Good’ (green), ‘Fair’ (yellow), ‘Poor’ (orange), ‘Very poor’ (red) or ‘Extremely poor’ (dark red). Values greater than the air quality guideline will be appear as ‘Poor’, ‘Very poor’ or ‘Extremely poor’.

More information about air quality categories.

About Nitrogen dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide is an acidic and highly corrosive gas. Nitrogen oxides are critical components of photochemical smog. Long-term exposure to high levels of nitrogen dioxide can cause chronic lung disease and affect the senses.

The guideline for Nitrogen dioxide is 0.08ppm (1hr avg).

Nitrogen dioxide is measured in parts per million.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Last updated
8 July 2024