Submit a public register information request

We maintain a Public Register of records related to the regulation of environmentally relevant activities. Learn about these records in the Search guide for Public Register information.

To access records on the Public Register we recommend that you:

Search information concerning:

Search for Environmental Authority Information

An Environmental Authority (EA) is a permit that enables the holder(s) to conduct environmentally relevant activities, at specific locations, and under set conditions.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Lot on Plan, Tenure or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an effective date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Looking for related Rehabilitation Plans? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Environmental Authority, Tenure or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an effective date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Looking for related Rehabilitation Plans? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

This field enables you to search via Mining tenure reference.

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Environmental Authority, Lot on Plan or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an effective date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Looking for related Rehabilitation Plans? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Environmental Authority, Lot on Plan or by Tenure?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an effective date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. If you are not sure what information to include here, please tell us fme details about why you are requesting the information, as that may help us identify the types of documents you are after. Note that providing more specific details about what you are looking for may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Looking for related Rehabilitation Plans? Click here.

Search for Compliance or Enforcement information related to an Environmental Authority

The Department performs compliance checks to ensure that permit holders abide by the conditions set out within their respective Environmental Authorities. If holders are non-compliant, then the Department can issue enforcement actions.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Lot on Plan, Tenure or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an issue date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related related Rehabilitation Plan? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Enforcement, Tenure or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an issue date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related related Rehabilitation Plan? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

This field enables you to search via Mining tenure reference.

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Enforcement, Lot on Plan or by Other Location?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an issue date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related related Rehabilitation Plan? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Enforcement, Lot on Plan or by Tenure?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with an issue date in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. If you are not sure what information to include here, please tell us some details about why you are requesting the information, as that may help us identify the types of documents you are after. Note that providing more specific details about what you are looking for may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related related Rehabilitation Plan? Click here.

Search for Rehabilitation Plans related to an Environmental Authority

Permit holders are legally obligated to submit Rehabilitation Plans for certain environmentally relevant activities.

If you do not know the Rehabilitation Plan number, search by the Environmental Authority number or holder name.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Environmental Authority, Lot on Plan or by Tenure?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with a date effective in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Rehabilitation Plan, Lot on Plan or by Tenure?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with a date effective in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Rehabilitation Plan, Environmental Authority or by Tenure?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with a date effective in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

This field enables you to search via Mining tenure reference.

Should you not receive a result, note that mining tenure location references may span across multiple Lot on Plan addresses.

Step 2 of 3 | Results


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 4 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Have you tried searching by Rehabilitation Plan, Environmental Authority or by Lot on Plan?

You are able to either request the most recent document by choosing 'Current' or you may request any related older versions of the documents by choosing a set period. This will provide any copies of your chosen document with a date effective in that set period. Note. Requests for information prior to 2014 may significantly increase the response time.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Looking for related Environmental Authority? Click here.

Looking for related Compliance History? Click here.

Due diligence searches are typically requested when a buyer is purchasing a property (Lot/Plan) in a non-suburban area.

In most residential locations a due diligence check will not return any results, as the department is unlikely to hold any records.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority




Rehabilitation Plans


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Do you know any related Lot and Plan information?

Environmental Authorities are issued on a Lot/Plan at a specific point in time. If you have reason to think there was an industrial activity undertaken on the site of interest but did not find any information, and if the land parcel has been subdivided recently, please search any previous Lot/Plan details you may have.

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. Note that providing a specific request for information may reduce the response time.

Step 1 of 3 | Search

Step 2 of 3 | Results

Environmental Authority




Rehabilitation Plans


Annual Returns


Estimated Rehabilitation Cost


Temporary Emissions Licences


EA Applications


Plan of Operations


Did you find what you were looking for?

Thank you for using the Public Register search.

Step 3 of 3 | Please select what you are you looking for:

Please provide any additional details that will help us identify what you are looking for. If you are not sure what information to include here, please tell us some details about why you are requesting the information, as that may help us identify the types of documents you are after. Note that providing more specific details about what you are looking for may reduce the response time.

Pending Request

No requests have been added