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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
10.3.1Acacia argyrodendron low woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernOf concern
10.3.2Acacia argyrodendron with or without Eucalyptus cambageana open woodland on alluvial plains (eastern)Least concernOf concern
10.3.3Acacia harpophylla woodland on alluvial plainsOf concernOf concern
10.3.4Acacia cambagei low woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernOf concern
10.3.5Eucalyptus cambageana woodland on alluvial plainsOf concernOf concern
10.3.6Eucalyptus brownii woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
10.3.7Astrebla squarrosa and Brachyachne convergens grassland on alluviumLeast concernNo concern at present
10.3.8Sparse tussock grassland on alluvial plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
10.3.9Eucalyptus whitei woodland on sandy alluvial fansLeast concernNo concern at present
10.3.10Corymbia dallachiana and C. terminalis woodland to open woodland on old alluvial plains (western)Of concernOf concern
10.3.11Corymbia citriodora or Lophostemon suaveolens and Angophora costata woodland to tall open forest in sandstone gorges and valleysOf concernOf concern
10.3.12Corymbia plena and/or C. terminalis woodland with Corymbia dallachiana on sandy alluviumLeast concernNo concern at present
10.3.13Melaleuca fluviatilis and/or Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland along watercoursesLeast concernOf concern
10.3.14Eucalyptus coolabah and/or Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland to open forest along channels and on floodplainsLeast concernOf concern
10.3.15Eucalyptus camaldulensis and/or E. coolabah woodland in closed depressionsLeast concernOf concern
10.3.16Triodia longiceps hummock grassland, ephemeral open herblands, and Melaleuca bracteata low woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernEndangered
10.3.17Acacia excelsa and Grevillea striata low open woodland on lake-fringing dunesOf concernEndangered
10.3.19Acacia cambagei woodland on lakeside dunesEndangeredEndangered
10.3.20Eucalyptus melanophloia open woodland on older lake-fringing dunesOf concernOf concern
10.3.21Acacia salicina and Grevillea striata low open woodland on sandy alluvial plainsOf concernEndangered

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Last updated
18 May 2023