Regional ecosystem descriptions
RE ID | Description | VMA class | Biodiversity status |
10.3.1 | Acacia argyrodendron low woodland on alluvial plains | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.2 | Acacia argyrodendron with or without Eucalyptus cambageana open woodland on alluvial plains (eastern) | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.3 | Acacia harpophylla woodland on alluvial plains | Of concern | Of concern |
10.3.4 | Acacia cambagei low woodland on alluvial plains | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.5 | Eucalyptus cambageana woodland on alluvial plains | Of concern | Of concern |
10.3.6 | Eucalyptus brownii woodland on alluvial plains | Least concern | No concern at present |
10.3.7 | Astrebla squarrosa and Brachyachne convergens grassland on alluvium | Least concern | No concern at present |
10.3.8 | Sparse tussock grassland on alluvial plains | Least concern | No concern at present |
10.3.9 | Eucalyptus whitei woodland on sandy alluvial fans | Least concern | No concern at present |
10.3.10 | Corymbia dallachiana and C. terminalis woodland to open woodland on old alluvial plains (western) | Of concern | Of concern |
10.3.11 | Corymbia citriodora or Lophostemon suaveolens and Angophora costata woodland to tall open forest in sandstone gorges and valleys | Of concern | Of concern |
10.3.12 | Corymbia plena and/or C. terminalis woodland with Corymbia dallachiana on sandy alluvium | Least concern | No concern at present |
10.3.13 | Melaleuca fluviatilis and/or Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland along watercourses | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.14 | Eucalyptus coolabah and/or Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland to open forest along channels and on floodplains | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.15 | Eucalyptus camaldulensis and/or E. coolabah woodland in closed depressions | Least concern | Of concern |
10.3.16 | Triodia longiceps hummock grassland, ephemeral open herblands, and Melaleuca bracteata low woodland on alluvial plains | Least concern | Endangered |
10.3.17 | Acacia excelsa and Grevillea striata low open woodland on lake-fringing dunes | Of concern | Endangered |
10.3.19 | Acacia cambagei woodland on lakeside dunes | Endangered | Endangered |
10.3.20 | Eucalyptus melanophloia open woodland on older lake-fringing dunes | Of concern | Of concern |
10.3.21 | Acacia salicina and Grevillea striata low open woodland on sandy alluvial plains | Of concern | Endangered |