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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
2.5.21Semi-evergreen vine thicket on sandy, Tertiary remnants overlying lateritised Cretaceous mudstonesOf concernEndangered
2.5.22Corymbia spp., Eucalyptus pruinosa and Lysiphyllum cunninghamii in mixed woodlands on abandoned levees associated with clay plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.23Eucalyptus pruinosa, Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, E. chlorophylla and Corymbia setosa in mixed low open woodlands on sand sheets overlying Tertiary lateritic surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.24Eucalyptus crebra and/or Corymbia citriodora +/- C. brachycarpa, E. mediocris open forest on sand sheets on Mesozoic sandstone plateausLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.25Eucalyptus similis and E. crebra +/- Corymbia brachycarpa woodland on sand sheets on Mesozoic sandstone plateausLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.26Eucalyptus melanophloia, Acacia julifera subsp. gilbertensis, Corymbia setosa and Melaleuca spp. in mixed low woodlands on Tertiary sand sheetsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.27Acacia torulosa, Corymbia setosa and A. platycarpa in mixed tall shrublands on degraded residuals of inland sand dunesOf concernOf concern
2.5.28Corymbia polycarpa and/or C. grandifolia +/- C. confertiflora, Erythrophleum chlorostachys open woodland on reworked sand deposits on broad plains and plateau surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.29Acacia shirleyi +/- Eucalyptus spp., Corymbia spp. woodland on Tertiary sand sheetsOf concernOf concern
2.5.30Melaleuca spp., Lysiphyllum cunninghamii and Terminalia spp. in mixed low woodlands on Tertiary sand sheetsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.31Eucalyptus pruinosa, Grevillea striata and Atalaya hemiglauca +/- Lysiphyllum cunninghamii low open woodland on plains and low rises derived from deeply weathered siltstonesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.32Eucalyptus microtheca woodland on level plains derived from deeply weathered siltstonesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.33Melaleuca spp. +/- Eucalyptus pruinosa, Asteromyrtus symphyocarpa, Terminalia canescens low open woodland on sand sheets in the westLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.34Acacia cambagei low woodland on gravelly deposits and deeply weathered surfacesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.35Aristida latifolia +/- Enneapogon polyphyllus, Brachyachne convergens, Sporobolus spp. tussock grassland on thin, residual sand deposits overlying Tertiary clay plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.36Eucalyptus tectifica +/- E. chlorophylla, Corymbia grandifolia, Grevillea striata woodland on Tertiary sand sheetsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.37Eucalyptus chlorophylla +/- Erythrophleum chlorostachys, Terminalia platyptera, Lysiphyllum cunninghamii woodland on Tertiary sand sheets overlying Cretaceous mudstonesLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.38Acacia cambagei, Grevillea striata and Atalaya hemiglauca +/- Corymbia aparrerinja low open woodland on Quaternary sand sheets overlying clay plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.39Eucalyptus pruinosa and/or Corymbia terminalis and/or C. aparrerinja low open woodland on Tertiary sand and gravel depositsLeast concernNo concern at present
2.5.40Corymbia polycarpa and/or C. bella +/- Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, C. curtipes woodland on abandoned levees on Tertiary clay plainsOf concernOf concern

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Last updated
18 May 2023