Regional ecosystem descriptions
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RE ID | Description | VMA class | Biodiversity status |
2.1.1 | Offshore tidal sands and mud flats, including sea grass beds | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.1.2 | Tidal low coastal rises of shells, sand or mud, and associated gutters, usually with mangroves | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.1.3 | Tidal channels and associated levees, usually with mangroves | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.1.4 | Infrequently inundated saline clay plains and low samphire rises | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.1.5 | Tidal lagoons on coastal mud flats | Of concern | Of concern |
2.2.1 | Casuarina equisetifolia +/- Thespesia populneoides, Hibiscus tiliaceus woodland on beaches and foredunes | Of concern | Of concern |
2.2.2 | Secondary dunes and swales | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.2.3 | Semi-deciduous microphyll vine thicket on coastal dunes | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.2.4 | Chrysopogon elongatus, Eriachne spp., Perotis rara and Aristida holathera in mixed tussock grasslands on coastal dunes | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.2.5 | Melaleuca dealbata woodland in swales associated with coastal dunes | Of concern | Of concern |
2.2.6 | Mixed sedgelands or tussock grasslands in closed depressions in the swales of coastal dunes | Of concern | Of concern |
2.2.7 | Corymbia bella +/- C. polycarpa, C. confertiflora, Grevillea striata, Pandanus sp. woodland on coastal dunes | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.2.8 | Grevillea striata +/- Atalaya hemiglauca low woodland on deflated coastal dunes | Of concern | Of concern |
2.3.1 | Eriachne burkittii, Xerochloa imberbis, Oryza australiensis and Ophiuros exaltatus in mixed tussock grasslands on coastal alluvial plains | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.2 | Freshwater and brackish wetlands in old river channels on low plains adjacent to estuarine zone | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.3 | Astrebla squarrosa and/or A. elymoides and/or Iseilema spp. tussock grassland on active Quaternary alluvial plains | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.4 | Eulalia aurea, Panicum decompositum, Astrebla pectinata and Dichanthium spp. in mixed tussock grasslands on active Quaternary alluvial plains within Tertiary clay deposits | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.5 | Lysiphyllum cunninghamii woodland on plains of calcareous clays | Of concern | Of concern |
2.3.6 | Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Terminalia platyphylla, Corymbia bella and E. microtheca in mixed woodlands fringing minor watercourses in Cretaceous mudstone landscapes | Of concern | Of concern |
2.3.7 | Acacia cambagei +/- Eucalyptus microtheca low woodland on fine-textured Quaternary alluvial plains | Least concern | No concern at present |