Regional ecosystem descriptions
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Displaying all of 10 regional ecosystems matching your search.
RE ID | Description | VMA class | Biodiversity status |
2.9.1 | Astrebla spp. and Iseilema vaginiflorum tussock grassland on gently undulating plains on fine-grained Cretaceous sediments. | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.9.2 | Aristida spp., Eulalia aurea, Dichanthium spp. and Heteropogon contortus in mixed tussock grasslands on undulating plains on fine-grained Cretaceous sediments. | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.9.3 | Terminalia spp., Lysiphyllum cunninghamii and Corymbia confertiflora deciduous low woodland on undulating mudstone/siltstone plains | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.4 | Acacia cambagei low woodland on undulating plains and hillslopes of Cretaceous mudstones. | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.5 | Acacia cambagei low woodland in depressions on sand plains | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.6 | Melaleuca spp. and Corymbia polycarpa woodland on pale earths on mudstones | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.7 | Eucalyptus chlorophylla +/- Terminalia spp. woodland on Cretaceous mudstone footslopes and plains. | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.8 | Eucalyptus microneura +/- Terminalia spp., Grevillea striata woodland on Cretaceous mudstone plains and hillslopes. | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.9 | Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, Ventilago viminalis, Atalaya hemiglauca, Corymbia terminalis in mixed low woodlands on plains and low rises of Cretaceous mudstone | Least concern | Of concern |
2.9.10 | Eucalyptus leptophleba, Corymbia terminalis, C. erythrophloia, C. dallachiana +/- E. chlorophylla, E. microneura woodland on undulating rises and lowlands on Cretaceous mudstones. | Of concern | Of concern |
Displaying all of 10 regional ecosystems matching your search.