Regional ecosystem descriptions
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RE ID | Description | VMA class | Biodiversity status |
2.3.8 | Eucalyptus microtheca, Corymbia spp., Lysiphyllum cunninghamii low open woodland with Dichanthium spp. on plains and low rises of texture contrast soils and earths | Of concern | Of concern |
2.3.9 | Lysiphyllum cunninghamii and/or Eucalyptus microtheca +/- Corymbia confertiflora low open woodland on active Quaternary alluvial plains (outer zones of river deltas) | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.10 | Eucalyptus chlorophylla +/- Melaleuca spp., Eucalyptus microtheca and Corymbia polycarpa low open woodland on Quaternary alluvial deposits | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.11 | Eucalyptus microtheca +/- Excoecaria parvifolia, Atalaya hemiglauca, Grevillea striata low woodland on active Quaternary alluvial plains with cracking clay soils | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.12 | Eucalyptus microtheca and/or Excoecaria parvifolia open woodland on seasonally flooded plains/depressions with numerous distributary channels | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.13 | Acacia stenophylla low woodland in seasonal swamps on active Quaternary alluvial plains | Of concern | Of concern |
2.3.14 | Duma florulenta shrubland in channelled depressions in floodplains | Of concern | Endangered |
2.3.15 | Eucalyptus microtheca woodland to low open woodland with Sarga spp. in seasonally flooded depressions on gleyed podsolics | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.16 | Billabongs (preferential channel waterholes) on active Quaternary alluvial plains, fringed with Eucalyptus spp., Corymbia spp., and Melaleuca spp. | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.17 | Eucalyptus microtheca +/- Excoecaria parvifolia, Lysiphyllum cunninghamii, Atalaya hemiglauca woodland fringing channels in fine-textured alluvial systems | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.18 | Atalaya hemiglauca, Grevillea striata, Vachellia sutherlandii and Eucalyptus microtheca in mixed low woodlands on active Quaternary alluvial plains | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.19 | Eucalyptus tectifica +/- Corymbia confertiflora woodland on old alluvial plains (recent Pleistocene surface) | Least concern | No concern at present |
2.3.20 | Corymbia bella, Eucalyptus pruinosa, C. terminalis, Lysiphyllum cunninghamii in mixed woodlands on active levees and alluvial plains in the west | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.21 | Eucalyptus leptophleba, Corymbia polycarpa, C. confertiflora, C. bella woodland on active levees and terraces associated with major watercourses in the east | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.22 | Corymbia polycarpa and Melaleuca spp. woodland on sandy channels and levees | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.23 | Eucalyptus leptophleba and Corymbia confertiflora woodland on sandy alluvial terraces and levees | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.24 | Melaleuca spp. woodland-open forest on sands in channels and on levees | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.25 | Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodland on levees and floodplains | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.26 | Eucalyptus camaldulensis +/- Melaleuca spp. woodland fringing sandy, seasonal channels | Least concern | Of concern |
2.3.27 | Eucalyptus leucophylla and Corymbia terminalis woodland in depressions on podsolic soils | Of concern | Of concern |