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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
7.8.10Eucalyptus tereticornis, E. drepanophylla (or E. granitica), E. portuensis, Corymbia intermedia woodland to open forest, or E. moluccana woodland to open forest, of uplands and highlands on basaltOf concernOf concern
7.8.11Closed vineland of wind-disturbed vine forest on basalt foothills and coastal rangesOf concernOf concern
7.8.12Complex notophyll vine forest dominated by Backhousia bancroftii on basaltic terraces and scree slopes of the North Johnstone RiverOf concernEndangered
7.8.13Simple notophyll vine forest of Blepharocarya involucrigera of high rainfall, cloudy uplands on basaltOf concernEndangered
7.8.14Complex notophyll vine forest with emergent Agathis robusta, on basaltOf concernEndangered
7.8.15Eucalyptus grandis open forest to woodland (or vine forest with E. grandis emergents) on basaltOf concernEndangered
7.8.16Eucalyptus resinifera open forest to woodland on basaltOf concernEndangered
7.8.17Eucalyptus portuensis and Corymbia intermedia +/- C. citriodora open forest to woodland on basaltOf concernOf concern
7.8.18Corymbia intermedia and/or Lophostemon suaveolens +/- Allocasuarina torulosa open forest to woodland on basaltOf concernOf concern
7.8.19Corymbia clarksoniana open forest to woodland on basaltEndangeredEndangered
7.11.1Simple to complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forest on moderately to poorly drained metamorphics (excluding amphibolites) of moderate fertility of the moist and wet lowlands, foothills and uplandsLeast concernNo concern at present
7.11.2Notophyll or mesophyll vine forest with Archontophoenix alexandrae or Licuala ramsayi on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.3Semi-deciduous mesophyll vine forest on moist to dry metamorphic foothillsOf concernOf concern
7.11.4Mesophyll vine forest dominated by brown salwood (Acacia celsa) on very wet to wet metamorphic lowlands and foothillsOf concernOf concern
7.11.5Eucalyptus pellita +/- Corymbia intermedia open forest (or vine forest with E. pellita and C. intermedia emergents) on lowlands and foothills on metamorphicsLeast concernNo concern at present
7.11.6Syncarpia glomulifera +/- Eucalyptus pellita open forest of deep soils on metamorphicsOf concernEndangered
7.11.7Complex notophyll vine forest with Agathis robusta emergents on foothills and uplands on metamorphicsLeast concernNo concern at present
7.11.8Acacia polystachya woodland to closed forest, or Acacia mangium and Acacia celsa open forest to closed forest, on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.9Notophyll semi-evergreen vine forest on moist to dry metamorphic foothills and uplandsLeast concernNo concern at present
7.11.10Acacia celsa open forest to closed forest on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern

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Last updated
18 May 2023