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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
7.11.31Eucalyptus resinifera +/- Eucalyptus portuensis +/- Syncarpia glomulifera open forest to woodland (or vine forest with these species as emergents) on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.32Syncarpia glomulifera and/or Allocasuarina spp. +/- heathy understorey, woodland to tall woodland to open forest (or vine forest with these species as emergents) on steep rocky metamorphic slopes with shallow soilsOf concernOf concern
7.11.33Eucalyptus reducta open forest to woodland on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.34Complex of shrublands, low heathy or shrubby woodland and low open forest, with Corymbia tessellaris and C. intermedia or Melaleuca viridiflora, Allocasuarina spp. and Acacia spp. on metamorphic coastal headlands and islandsOf concernOf concern
7.11.35Eucalyptus portuensis +/- Corymbia citriodora woodland to open forest on metamorphicsLeast concernOf concern
7.11.36Allocasuarina littoralis, Corymbia intermedia, Lophostemon suaveolens, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii shrubland on serpentinite foothills with deep red soilsOf concernEndangered
7.11.37Eucalyptus drepanophylla and Corymbia clarksoniana or C. erythrophloia woodland to open forest on dry uplands on metamorphics between Tolga and Mount MolloyOf concernOf concern
7.11.38Lophostemon confertus low woodland to low closed forest +/- Acacia celsa, Syncarpia glomulifera and Allocasuarina spp. on steep metamorphic slopesOf concernOf concern
7.11.39Themeda triandra, or Imperata cylindrica, Sorghum nitidum and Mnesithea rottboellioides closed tussock grassland of metamorphic headlands and near-coastal hillsOf concernEndangered
7.11.40Complex of sclerophyll communities dominated by Syncarpia glomulifera or Melaleuca spp., or sedges, or ferns, or microphyll vine forest with Trochocarpa bellendenkerensis on highlands, on quartzite or associated metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.41Melaleuca viridiflora, M. monantha, Acacia flavescens and Grevillea spp. Shrubland with emergent Corymbia clarksoniana, or open woodland of Eucalyptus drepanophylla with M. monantha or Callitris intratropica, on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern
7.11.42Eucalyptus tereticornis, Pandanus sp., Lophostemon suaveolens, Melaleuca dealbata and E. pellita woodland to open forest of perched drainage areas on metamorphicsOf concernEndangered
7.11.43Corymbia clarksoniana +/- C. tessellaris open forest to woodland on metamorphic coastal lowlands and foothillsOf concernEndangered
7.11.44Eucalyptus tereticornis open forest to woodland on coastal metamorphic foothillsOf concernOf concern
7.11.45Eucalyptus cloeziana open forest on metamorphicsOf concernEndangered
7.11.46Eucalyptus portuensis open forest, often with Corymbia nesophila, on near-coastal metamorphic foothills north of the Daintree RiverOf concernOf concern
7.11.47Corymbia nesophila open forest on moderate to steep metamorphic slopesOf concernOf concern
7.11.48Melaleuca viridiflora +/- Corymbia clarksoniana +/- Eucalyptus platyphylla woodland to open forest on metamorphicsOf concernEndangered
7.11.49Eucalyptus leptophleba, Corymbia clarksoniana and E. platyphylla open forest to woodland on metamorphic foothillsOf concernOf concern
7.11.50Eucalyptus platyphylla +/- E. drepanophylla +/- Corymbia spp. open woodland to open forest on metamorphicsOf concernOf concern

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Last updated
18 May 2023