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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
3.8.2Semi-deciduous notophyll and/or microphyll vine forest on basaltOf concernOf concern
3.8.3Eucalyptus leptophleba or Corymbia clarksoniana +/- C. tessellaris woodland on basalt flowsOf concernEndangered
3.8.4Heteropogon contortus or Themeda triandra closed tussock grasslands on basalt cones and risesOf concernEndangered
3.8.5Semi-deciduous and deciduous notophyll vine forest on the basaltic islands of the Torres StraitOf concernOf concern
3.9.1Eucalyptus tetrodonta +/- Corymbia clarksoniana +/- C. confertiflora woodland on erosional plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.9.2Eucalyptus chlorophylla woodland to open woodland on undulating clay plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.9.3Corymbia clarksoniana woodland +/- Melaleuca viridiflora on erosional plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.9.4Eucalyptus leptophleba +/- Corymbia dallachiana or Eucalyptus platyphylla open woodland on rolling plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.9.5Corymbia papuana open woodland on rolling plainsLeast concernOf concern
3.9.6Terminalia aridicola subsp. chillagoensis and T. platyphylla low open woodland on clay soilsOf concernOf concern
3.9.7Piliostigma malabaricum low open woodland on central clay plainsLeast concernNo concern at present
3.9.8Heteropogon triticeus and/or Sarga plumosum closed tussock grassland on clay plainsOf concernOf concern
3.10.1Seepage springs from sandstone or Tertiary plateaus and associated rainforests and vine thicketsOf concernOf concern
3.10.2Simple evergreen notophyll vine forest on sandstone ranges in the north eastOf concernOf concern
3.10.3Simple evergreen notophyll vine forest with Callitris intratropica on low hillsOf concernOf concern
3.10.4Simple evergreen notophyll vine forest with Eucalyptus pellitaOf concernOf concern
3.10.5Deciduous notophyll and/or microphyll vine thicket or forest on sandstone hills and slopesOf concernOf concern
3.10.6Eucalyptus tetrodonta +/- Corymbia stockeri subsp. stockeri woodland on sandstone plateausLeast concernNo concern at present
3.10.7Eucalyptus phoenicea on wetter sandstoneLeast concernNo concern at present
3.10.8Eucalyptus similis +/- Corymbia nesophila woodland on pediments of sandstone rangesOf concernOf concern

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Last updated
18 May 2023