Progressive rehabilitation and closure plans (PRC Plans)

Details for the PRC plan PRCP-EA0002645-V1

Permit reference: EA0002645
Resource Activity
Industry: Minerals
PRC plan status: Proposed (application)
Permit condition type: Standard
PRC plan version: 1
Permit holder(s): WISHBONE GOLD PTY LTD
Activity Location
Mining Activity - Exploration Permit Mineral (EPM)


Document title Document link
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments view document (PDF, 13 MB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_01 view document (PDF, 112 MB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_02 view document (PDF, 58 MB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_03 view document (PDF, 270 KB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_04 view document (PDF, 271 KB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_05 view document (XLSX, 5 MB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_applicationdocuments_Attachment_06 view document (PDF, 99 KB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_informationstage_ExtensionNotice_01 view document (PDF, 482 KB)
PRCP-EA0002645-V1_1_informationstage_Notice view document (PDF, 704 KB)

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Permit number Status Effective date
EA0002645 Granted 19/07/2021