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Regional ecosystem descriptions

RE ID Description VMA class Biodiversity status
7.3.33Open water and narrow shoreline sedge fringes of lakes in volcanic cratersOf concernEndangered
7.3.34Melaleuca viridiflora var. attenuata open forest to closed forest on broad swampy drainage lines of alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
7.3.35Acacia mangium and/or A. celsa and/or A. polystachya closed forest on alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
7.3.36Complex mesophyll vine forest or simple notophyll vine forest of high rainfall, cloudy uplands on alluviumOf concernEndangered
7.3.37Complex semi-evergreen notophyll vine forest of uplands on alluviumEndangeredEndangered
7.3.38Complex notophyll vine forest with emergent Agathis robusta on alluvial fansOf concernOf concern
7.3.39Eucalyptus tereticornis +/- E. platyphylla +/- Corymbia intermedia +/- Lophostemon suaveolens open woodland to open forest and associated sedgelands and grasslands on broad drainage depressions of uplandsOf concernEndangered
7.3.40Eucalyptus tereticornis open forest on well-drained alluvial plains of lowlandsEndangeredEndangered
7.3.41Eucalyptus tereticornis woodland to open forest with a prominent stratum of Melaleuca quinquenervia and/or M. viridiflora, poorly-drained lowland alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
7.3.42Eucalyptus grandis open forest to woodland (or vine forest with emergent E. grandis) on alluviumOf concernEndangered
7.3.43Eucalyptus tereticornis open forest to woodland on uplands on well-drained alluviumOf concernEndangered
7.3.44Eucalyptus leptophleba, Corymbia clarksoniana open forest to woodland on alluvium in near-coastal areas with moderate rainfallEndangeredEndangered
7.3.45Corymbia clarksoniana +/- C. tessellaris +/- E. drepanophylla open forest to open woodland on alluvial plainsLeast concernOf concern
7.3.46Lophostemon suaveolens open forest to woodland on alluvial plainsEndangeredEndangered
7.3.47Allocasuarina littoralis, Corymbia intermedia and Lophostemon suaveolens open forest on poorly drained alluviumOf concernOf concern
7.3.48Eucalyptus portuensis and E. drepanophylla +/- Corymbia intermedia +/- C. citriodora open woodland to open forest on dry uplands on alluviumOf concernEndangered
7.3.49Notophyll vine forest on rubble terraces of streamsOf concernOf concern
7.3.50Melaleuca fluviatilis +/- vine forest species open forest to closed forest on alluvium fringing streamsOf concernEndangered
8.3.1Semi-deciduous to evergreen notophyll to mesophyll vine forest, +/- sclerophyll emergents, fringing or in the vicinity of watercoursesOf concernOf concern
8.3.2Melaleuca viridiflora woodland on seasonally inundated alluvial plains with impeded drainageEndangeredEndangered

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Last updated
18 May 2023