Annual returns

Details of the annual return RET-100342596

Annual return status: Completed
Annual return due date: 01/04/2023
Reporting period: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022
Permit reference: EA0002645
Industry: Minerals
Condition Type: Standard
Permit holder(s): WISHBONE GOLD PTY LTD
Activity Location
Mining Activity - Exploration Permit Mineral (EPM)


Question Answer
PRCP / no PRCP A resource activity without an approved Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan (PRCP) schedule – Only complete sections 1 and 3 of this form.
Section 1
1. Change may affect ERC decision? No
2. EA for eligible resource activity? I/We have provided a summary of the onsite disturbance and rehabilitation within Table 1.

3. EA for ineligible resource activity without approved PRCP schedule?
4. EA for ineligible Resource Activity for CSG? No
Table 1. Area of disturbance / rehabilitation
Table 1 (1 Total Area ha) 5700.0000
Table 1 (1 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (2 Total Disturbance ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (2 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (3 Total Rehab Certified ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (3 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (4 Total Rehab Completed ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (4 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (5 Total Rehab Commenced ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (5 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (6 Area Disturbed ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (6 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (7 Approved Progressive Certification ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (7 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (8 Rehab not yet Approved ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (8 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (9 Rehab Commenced ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (9 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (10 Proposed Disturbance ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (10 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (11 Rehab for Certification ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (11 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (12 Rehab not for Certification ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (12 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Table 1 (13 Rehab to Commence ha) 0.0000
Table 1 (13 Spatial Submitted) N/A
Section 2
5. Has there been a change to the carrying out of the resource activity that may affect the estimated rehabilitation cost (ERC) decision for the activity?
6. Has the required GIS Spatial information been submitted in accordance with an approved PRC Plan?
7. Have you complied with your PRCP schedule?
8. Have you complied with all other conditions imposed on the PRCP schedule?
9. Are works related to any other rehabilitation or management milestones underway?
Table 2. Area of disturbance / rehabilitation / improvement (PRCP)
Table 2 (1 Total Area ha)
Table 2 (1 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (2 Total Disturbance ha)
Table 2 (2 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (3 Total Rehab Certified ha)
Table 2 (3 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (4 Total Rehab Completed ha)
Table 2 (4 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (5 Total Rehab Commenced ha)
Table 2 (5 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (6 Total Sufficient Improvement ha)
Table 2 (6 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (7 Total Improvement Commenced ha)
Table 2 (7 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (8 Area Disturbed ha)
Table 2 (8 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (9 Approved Progressive Certification ha)
Table 2 (9 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (10 Rehab not yet Approved ha)
Table 2 (10 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (11 Rehab Commenced ha)
Table 2 (11 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (12 Sufficient Improvement ha)
Table 2 (12 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (13 Improvement Commenced ha)
Table 2 (13 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (14 Proposed Disturbance ha)
Table 2 (14 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (15 Rehab for Certification ha)
Table 2 (15 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (16 Rehab not for Certification ha)
Table 2 (16 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (17 Rehab to Commence ha)
Table 2 (17 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (18 Proposed Sufficient Improvement ha)
Table 2 (18 Spatial Submitted)
Table 2 (19 Improvement to Commence ha)
Table 2 (19 Spatial Submitted)
Section 3
Signatory Name James Jewson
Signatory Position Mining Title Consultant
Date 31/03/2023

Related documents

Document title Document link
RET-100342596 view document (XLSX)

Related environmental authorities

To view other information holdings which may be related to the Environmental Authority, select the associated permit number below.

Permit number Status Effective date
EA0002645 Granted 19/07/2021