Environmental impact statement

All mining, and petroleum and gas projects (resource projects) in Queensland require an environmental authority under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act). Resource projects that are large-scale, complex and sensitive with higher environmental risk may also be required, or choose, to undergo an environmental impact statement (EIS) process. There are several EIS processes under state and federal legislation.

This portal only includes records relating to the EIS process under Chapter 3 of the EP Act, which is administered by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (the department). An EIS is a tool we use to:

  • assess the current environment in the project area
  • assess potential adverse and beneficial environmental, economic and social impacts of the project​
  • assess proposed measures to avoid, minimise, mitigate and/or offset those potential adverse impacts​
  • consider feasible alternative ways to carry out the project.​

More information about the EIS process is available on the Queensland Government .

  1. Submission of draft TOR
  2. Public notification of draft TOR
  3. Final TOR issued-EIS in preparation
  4. Public notification of EIS
  5. Proponent responds to submissions
  6. EIS assessment report

This portal contains records of decisions about EISs made by the department. You can download a list of digitised environmental impact statement records (XLSX) records held by the department.​

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